Wednesday, September 29, 2010

seeing double...

Yesterday I decided to cut Lillie's bangs. I hated to do it, but it needed to be done. It was two years before she had enough hair to even wear a bow. All that hard work and I had to trim her hair. Her bangs were in her eyes so I had to chop them off.
Later afternoon we went to the park. I was taking pictures of her on the playing and I noticed she looked a lot like someone I know (or once knew).
What do you think?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lake House

What a wonderful weekend! No phones, no internet, no tv! We drove up to Bernice on Friday morning and enjoyed a very relaxing, yet productive weekend. Chris and I got some more painting done, our bed in our bedroom, assembled the boys new bunk beds, and the lawn mowed (thanks to one of our neighbors!) We tried two new restaurants that were both wonderful and discovered the convenience store down the streets has a Godfather's Pizza. Very good and convenient! Lillie spent most of her time getting into the water when she wasn't supposed to, following the boys, and playing with Tucker. Tucker loves the lake! He just enjoys being outside and running around. Draven and Jorge spent most of the weekend fishing. I think they have finally discovered that you can have fun without electronics. I had a hard time getting them to leave.
My dad is now officially a lake resident. He closes on his house in Grove on Thursday. He was so ready to leave the city. Until he closes he will be staying at our shack on the lake. He is helping us get some stuff done while he is staying there. This morning he already got a ceiling fan hung in our bedroom. He also met our new handy man at the house this morning to get a shower installed. We are getting hot water by the end of the day too. It is hard to stay at the lake house without hot water or a shower. We did discover that there is a shower at the Nature Center across the street (in case of emergency) for the campers.
We can't wait to go back next week. There is always something going on. Last weekend was Pelican fest. Who knew Grand Lake was a stopover for pelicans? Then next weekend is an antique boat show. Can't miss that!

Windows open and a cool breeze, perfect napping weather. We used to only have the one mattress in the living room. You will see in the other photos that the boys now have a place to sleep and Chris and I have our bed in our room. These rooms are tiny, but who cares?

Fishing and swimming. The boys left the tackle box on the shore so Draven decided it was easier to swim than walk on the rocks. I walked out there and it is very dangerous for clumsy teens and a pregnant woman.

Believe it or not that is a fish on the end of the pole. They caught a total of 9 fish, but this is the only one I saw.
The walk back to shore.
Looking back towards the house.
Lillie is always wanting to help.
She painted the dog.
Tucker hanging out in the next door neighbors yard.
Yay! We finally have beds for everyone! Lillie is not allowed to sleep on the top bunk, but she loves it!
Our bed! I can't wait to start decorating! We brought all of our lake house paintings we had in storage. We also brought a table and chair set we need to work on, then next will be living room furniture, also a project, then we get to do the fun stuff... Linens, dishes, curtains...
I moved all of the paint supplies and tools into the back room. We actually have a place for food. Hopefully, we will be able to cook there next weekend!
The long drive home. Chris drove old snoopy (his truck) to the lake house so we could haul some furniture. Both of our cell phones were dead so I had to follow him on the way home just in case he broke down. He didn't break down, but he did run out of gas. Good thing I was there to save the day!

Monday, September 20, 2010

13 weeks...

Feeling fine. Looking bigger. Cravings. That sums it up.
I don't have a huge appetite yet, but I do get cravings. I will get something stuck in my mind and I have to have it! And if something doesn't sound good, I just can't do it.
I still get a little nauseated and fatigued. Very fatigued yesterday and today.
My stomach is really getting bigger. Hopefully my maternity clothes will start to fit soon because my regular clothes are too small.
I have thought I felt movement over the past two days, but not sure. Still think it is too early. I have lots of girls in my pregnancy group that feel movement, but I want to be sure it isn't gas. More than likely it is gas.
Still thinking it is a boy.
Chris hopes it is a boy.
Draven hopes it is a girl.
I really don't care.
How about the name Fox? Preston Fox Henry. Ok, don't tell me what you think. We like it. Fox was Chris' dads nickname and Preston is his mom's maiden name.
Well, I guess that is it!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Harn Homestead...

Today started off with a bunch of rain, but ended up a beautiful day. Such a pretty day that we had a picnic! Every year (sometimes a few times a year for various events) our church has a picnic at the Harn Homestead. We are lucky enough to live just 2 blocks away. If you never have been, you should check it out. It is absolutely beautiful! The kids had so much fun playing various games while the adults listened to music from our St. Paul's Band and talked.
I got a lot of good pics but wish I would of taken more of the grounds. The barn is my favorite!
But, I didn't get any pictures of the barn. I did however link some pics I have from my birthday post in 2009 that was at the Harn. There are some decent pics there if you want to take a look.

Chris and his friend David Sapper.
Lillie playing in the dirt with the little girl she was christened with when they were babies.

Lillie walked around with a chicken leg and a stick. Cute, huh?

12 weeks...

Today I am 12 weeks pregnant! Depending on who's calendar you use (they all say something different) tomorrow I start my second trimester!
Heres what's new...
I am finally feeling better.
The thought, smell, or sight of some foods still make me sick, but for the most part I have my appetite back.
Last Friday I went for my second doctor's appointment.
I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time! Heart rate was 164-165.
I have gained 1 pound! It doesn't seem like much considering how much my belly has grown!
Fatigue is getting better. I can make it through the day without a nap.
I am a little crankier than usual. Sorry boys.
I have an appointment with a Perinatologist (high risk doc) on Wednesday. He will do a level 2 ultrasound to check for any issues we need to be aware of.
My regular obgyn said it is possible that we might be able to tell the sex of the baby during the ultrasound next week.
Here's what is going on with the baby...

Your pregnancy: 12 weeks

How your baby's growing:

The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it. His intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into his abdominal cavity about now, and his kidneys will begin excreting urine into his bladder.

Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in your baby's brain, synapses are forming furiously. His face looks unquestionably human: His eyes have moved from the sides to the front of his head, and his ears are right where they should be. From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Yesterday was my birthday. I have learned (after a few years of disappointing birthdays) that if you plan your own day you won't be disappointed. So here's what I did for my birthday.
Lillie and I went out for breakfast.
Dropped Tucker off to be groomed. That was the one big gift I wanted more than anything. That dog STUNK!
Went to buy my favorite cake, but no luck. Tried to come up with a Plan B but nothing comes close to Raspberries and Creme's Ribbon Cake.
Came home and Lillie and I took a long nap.
Picked up boys from Braum's (after school hangout) and went to pick up Tucker.
Went to store to buy cleaning supplies so my house won't smell like dog anymore. Nothing says "Birthday" like cleaning supplies!
Chris' mom and her boyfriend came by early evening to give me my gifts. I had asked her for maternity clothes for my birthday. She out did herself. I have so many clothes! And all (except for 3) fit perfectly and I loved them all! She did a better job shopping than I could of. How is that possible?
I took a photo of all of my new clothes except for the 3 that didn't fit and one sweater I forgot to hang up. That's a lot of clothes!
After the fashion show we went out to eat at my favorite bday spot, Iron Starr. I think I have gone there every year for my birthday since they opened. Food was great and I came home with my free bday cake.
I am eating it right now with my coffee.
All and all it was a pretty good bday. Now looking forward to a huge weekend. My hood is hosting Septemberfest and we are having a garage sale. Check it out!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dancing Queen

Lillie was a late bloomer when it comes to dancing. We would play music and try to encourage her to dance when she first started walking. As with everything, Lillie has to do it on her terms. About 8 months ago she started dancing. We had our chili cookoff and she started to shake it to the music playing outside. As the months went by the more she got in to it. It didn't matter where she was if music was playing she was shaking it. Of course we had the incident last week with the dance off. I don't think I posted it on my blog, but Lillie got in the middle of a dance competition.
This pic is of Lillie in the middle of the competition. I don't think the dancers were very happy about her arrival but the audience was!
I was laughing so hard all of my pics are out of focus. I literally had tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard.
Here she is doing the "point". This is one of her signature dance moves.
You can see the boys backed off to let her do her thing.

She climbed on stage, pushed the boys out of the way and started dancing. Needless to say she (unofficially) won. The girl loves to be the center of attention. It was no surprise that she got in the middle of the dance floor at a wedding last night. We couldn't get her out of there. When it was time for couple slow dancing we had to got out there and dance with her. That girl is a dancing machine. Now she is asking for dancing school. So if anyone knows of a place let me know.
Here she is at Ty's wedding.
She tried dancing with someone, but she prefers to dances solo.

This girl has to dance!

Friday, September 3, 2010

10 weeks...

My belly at 10 weeks. No one can really tell I am pregnant, but I can. Nothing fits. Maternity clothes are way too big and regular clothes are way too small.
This is one of my favorite outfits. Sweat shorts and a T-Shrit. Woo-Hoo.

Here's what hides beneath!

Further along, but nothing new.
Still nauseated. Still tired. Next appointment is September 10th. Next ultrasound is September 15th.
My belly looks about the same. Instead of looking bloated I am actually looking pregnant. I can actually tell and feel my uterus getting larger. That may sound weird but it is true. It starts protruding out in a point shape in the lower abdomen. Basically instead of just having a round bloated belly I am getting a baby bump. I guess that is exciting.
I will admit it is hard to get excited about this pregnancy. Chris and I are so over the moon with Lillie and we can imagine anything better (not that it is a competition). We aren't excited about decorating a room or buying stuff since we have most things. Been there done that. I think it will be a little more exciting when we find out if it is a girl or a boy. If it is a girl we can make room in Lillie's room for the crib. If it is a boy we will need to figure out a plan b. We will need everything! We don't have anything that is gender neutral and I don't know anyone with little boy hand-me-downs. Don't get me wrong. We are very thankful to be going through this experience again. Babies are a gift from God.. and Yada Yada Yada...
I think once I get further along the more excited we will both be. I know I will definitely be excited when I stop feeling like crap all the time!