We spent the weekend getting the lake house memorial weekend ready. We got so much done! Most of it you can't see in the pictures so I will just tell you what we did. We got the kitchen window fixed, living room wall patched and repainted, well house cleaned out, dog (what will soon be known as family room) cleaned out, toilet fixed, bathroom sink fixed, kitchen sink fixed, and pictures hung! Whew! It is really starting to come together.
Here's the kitchen. We hired a guy to finish the counter tops and back splash this week.

We hung a towel rack, robe hook, toilet paper holder, and hand towel rack. We got a bid on enclosing the shower. As you can see in the picture the wall paper gets wet when we shower. We also need to treat the wood around the window. I love the window in the shower!

Picture and mirror hung! Chris and I love the living room now that the TV is gone. He can read and I can work on crocheting.

Lillie babysitting in the kid room. We moved Phoebe's pack n' play in there. Lillie has tons of toys and loves her (and Draven and Phoebe's) room! Lillie sleeps on the top bunk all by herself when we stay at the lake house. And she's only fallen off the bunk once!

What used to be called the dog room. This is where we would put Tucker when we painted. He hates this room. We also put him here when we are going to be gone during the day. I know this room doesn't look like much, but it was a mess before. We had the whole room filled with project stuff and lake stuff. I cleaned out the well house and now everything can be stored there. This is the perfect place for the kids to hang out and get out of our hair. The lake house would be too small for a family of 5 if it wasn't for this room. You can't hear the TV or the kids. Out of sight - out of mind!

Our bedroom. It looks pretty much the same. We have someone coming this week to put in closet doors in our room and the kid room.

A few lake pictures. This is what the boys call "the zone" it's a good fishing spot.

I took this picture last fall. We have had so much rain that these trees are now in the water.

Looking out towards the lake. You can't see the lake here but it is there, just three houses down.

Our front yard. Papa is coming over next week to get our lawn croquet ready. Across our road is a small wooded area. You never know what is going to come out of there. Friday night we heard a big cat growling. It was either a bob cat or cougar. It sounded bigger than a bob cat. It was late at night and Chris and I were replacing a window. The growl of the cat was a little unsettling.
Friday and Saturday night we heard what we thought was a yapping dog. Saturday night we were calling for Tucker and we saw him playing with a silver fox. He was yapping while Tucker chased him. It looked like they were playing.
Last fall Papa saw deer come out of the woods each morning.

The road in to our neighborhood. Across the street is Bernice State Park and Nature Center. They have walking trails, playground, animals, swimming, boat ramp, and many other handy things close by for us.

Home sweet home. It may not look like much but it is the most relaxing place on earth. We had a guy come out to work up a bid for our screened in porch and new siding. We want that completed early this summer so we can enjoy it. Once we have the porch built and the car port relocated we will be able to see the water easily from our house.

Our neighborhood. Our house is where the white mail box is. It's just a short walk down to the water.

The end of our road is a perfect place to launch a small boat or just swim. Lillie and Draven like to skip rocks here. When the weather is nice, Chris and I like to sit out here and watch the boats go by at night.

Looking up from the water end of the road. Our house is the white one.

That's the tour of the lake house. I can't wait for Memorial Day weekend. Should be a blast!