Bubba (Draven's godfather) hooked us up with a double decker boat at this really cool place called Serenity Point. The boat had a slide and a top deck great for jumping off. When we got back we played at the marina. They had all kinds of fun lake toys. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to drown. We had a bonfire one night and did lots of swimming. I think Draven had a great Birth-weekend!
Here's a pic of D's friends on the way to the boat. Check out how pretty it is!
The boat and the captain!
I made all the boys wear lifejackets. I know, not cool. But at least I didn't have to worry about them drowning each other.
There were many jumps off the top deck and only a few painful belly flops.
One handed over the rail!
16 and behind the wheel with his Bubba Mike.
Behind the boat wheel.
Looking up at the boys on the top deck.
The slide off the boat.
Great pic of the boys.
The trampoline at Serenity Point.
Out in the backyard of the lake house.
Searching for treasure with the metal detector.
No one ever spells Draven's name right on his cake so we went ahead and ordered it wrong. "Happy Birthday Darven"
The highlight of the trip were the toys at Serenity Point. You can play King of the Mat and try to push everyone else off. We were laughing so hard I thought they were going to kick us out!

The aftermath...