Sunday, February 10, 2008

Not yet...

Our jelly bean in her "Johnie Wrap."

Last night we had our date night. We went out to eat and enjoyed just being together. We toasted our anniversary, valentines day and the birth of our baby. The dinner was good, except the veal. Toughest piece of meat! After dinner we ended up at the hospital. Shocker. The night nurse had her bundled so tight. She loved it! We are going to try to duplicate it when she's home. We call it the Johnie Wrap after the nurse that invented it. Then home to watch a movie. She was weighed and was just under 4 pounds. She has 25 grams to go. No rooming in tonight. Hopefully tomorrow. If not then it will be Tuesday. She was doing really well today and looking more and more like a baby. She seems so happy. Tomorrow we are going to a baby cpr class at the hospital. After that we will run some last minute errands before she comes home. There are all these things I want to get to done before she comes home. She really doesn't need much, just warmth, food, and a clean diaper. Oh, and lots of love from her family!

Lillie had the most explosive diaper. She was covered head to toe and had to have a bath.

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