Sunday, June 15, 2008


I have all of these great pictures to post, but my computer will only upload the ones from today. I will try the rest later. I have lots of things to blog about. Lillie had her 4 month checkup, Sooner Start, Father's day, Draven's first tennis lesson, Lillie's first time swimming. Ugh. I will give my update when I can get the rest of the pictures up. For now, you get me and Lillie swimming. She loved it. Chris couldn't get any pictures of her smiling. She would only smile when she was looking at me. If she couldn't see me she was a bit nervous.


Jennifer Lacy said...

ahhhh yay for lillie swimming - where did you go?

Itskellerific said...

there's a word for women who have recently given birth and look that good in a bathing suit... oh yeah, its BITCH!

hahahahaha, jk. you look great! lillie, too!