Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Before I show you all of the cute pictures from Saturday night, I have to give my excuses of why I haven't been blogging. My father had surgery on September 9th (my birthday.) Since then I have been taking care of him daily. Of course, he has yet to enter the 21st century so I have been without a computer. Dad is doing great and I am back home and sleeping in my own bed tonight!!!

Ok, catch up time.

Marla came into town for a wedding last weekend. The wedding was on Friday so I got her for the rest of the weekend. Saturday night we had a little get together to watch the football game. The game was boring so we sat outside and talked for ours. It was so much fun! Nothing exciting, just spaghetti, beer, and friends.

In this picture Marla is saying "I like your earrings" (Chris got me those for my Birthday.) I am saying "Oh, these?"

The girls posed like we were having picture day. The boys talked about, hmmm... I don't know. I wasn't paying attention.
I do know that Al is wearing the socks that Matt was had stuffed in his pants.

I also know that my head is big and I should always be in the back when someone takes my photo. Otherwise I end up with MONGO HEAD like in this photo.

We are such dorks, and I love it!

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