Lillie is finally feeling better. She had a cold, bronchitis, and ended it with a stomach bug. There has been so many changes now that she is 8 months old. She can officially crawl, she got a tooth, she can get in to a sitting position and crawling position by herself. Auntie Lo got her to sleep through the night on Saturday. She slept for 11 hours straight! It has been a crazy month, but crazy good.
Friday we started getting ready for Lillie's baptism. Lillie and Draven went to Aunt Gum's for a little play time. Lillie ate her carrots and seemed to have her appetite back. When I put her to bed around 9pm she seemed snugly and didn't want to eat. Around 3am Saturday Lillie started throwing up non stop. We had rehearsal that morning at 9:30 am. When we got to church she seemed like she was completely better. Saturday we spent the day getting ready for her party. Lots of shopping and cleaning. Auntie helped out a lot! We cleaned while the boys watched football and drank beer. Sunday Lillie was doing fantastic. She had a great night sleep (that was the night Auntie put her to bed and she slept 11 hours!) She looked beautiful in her gown and did a fantastic job during church and the actually baptism. She just smiled and looked so pretty. After church we all went to our house for snacks and champagne. All was going well until Lillie developed diarrhea. Aunt Sis was holding her and Lillie had a nasty leaky diaper. That was just the beginning. Anything she ate or drank went right through her. Around 10pm, It was Chris' turn. He was so sick! I had Lillie and Chris in bed me. Luckily, this morning I feel great. I don't think I am going to get the bug. I hope not, Lillie and Chris are much better patients then I am.

*baptism photo credits thanks to aunt gum's snapfish account, I broke in and stole them!*
She just looks so sweet! I didn't even know you were having her baptism this weekend... I would've at least sent a card!
yay! lillie is baptized now! she looked beautiful.
sorry we couldn't make it, sick baby and all. i was really looking forward to it!
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