Here we are at Jack's Rib for a nasty lunch. It was awful. Lillie did like the french fries and pickled okra.
Yesterday Chris had plans to go to Bethany to run by the court house. When that didn't work out he invited Lillie and I to join him in Chickasha. He only had a couple things going on in the afternoon. He took Lillie in to the court house to show her off and then Lillie and I went shopping. I was really wanting to get out and walk while the weather was nice. I thought walking downtown and shopping still counted as "going for a walk." After the first antique store it started to rain. When we left the second store it was hailing on my baby's bald head. She didn't not like that. By the time we hit the third store my phone was blowing up with phone calls. Everyone one was checking on us to see if we were home and safe. Nope, we were out shopping. I got some great aprons and a glass bunny. Draven called me and he was walking home from school with the tornado sirens going off. Luckily he loves storms. He wasn't even nervous. The rest of OKC public schools were on lock down till the storms passed. Draven's school gets out an hour earlier than everyone else. He walked 5 blocks in the storm. I told him to watch the weather and if he was nervous he could go in the basement. Only in Oklahoma do you have kids that know what to do in case of a tornado and don't even freak out. He was too busy texting his new friend (the girl that he asked out said no, but know they talk all the time) to even watch the weather. I listened to the weather on our way home. The storms were popping up everywhere. Everything was fine out our house. We did loose power around 5pm. I went ahead and went to yoga and left Chris and the kids at home. Yoga was awesome! We had the light down low, lightening, thunder, and rain. It was so relaxing. On my way home from yoga I went to go get some batteries. Our whole side of town was without power. It was so creepy. No stop lights, street lights, store lights... Just headlights going down the streets. Chris made a wonderful meal while I was gone and we ate dinner by candle light. After dinner we watched "the office" on dvd on our laptop. It was actually a great evening. I know a lot of people had damage to their homes and in other parts of the state there were a few deaths. So, I hate to say that I enjoyed the storm, but I did.
Today Lillie has Sooner Start coming out. We are going to discuss her twisted foot and her speach. Other than that I think she is doing great! I will update when it is over.
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