Lillie now weights apx 21 pounds.
She has been off the bottle since 13 months.
Lillie is now making the switch from crawling to walking. She starts off walking, but when she falls she crawls.
She was taking swim lessons til I hurt my hand. Sometimes swims at the YMCA. She loves the water.
She loves bath time and bath toys.
She is learning what a Kitty and a Doggy says.
She knows Lola's name and is working on Charlie.
Still no "MaMa."
Nanny got her a rocking chair. Now she likes to sit in her chair and read books.
Her favorite book is "Brown Bear."
She enjoys spending time with her cousin Kate and Aunt Gum. We have play dates at least twice a week.
She finally "gets" the zoo. She waves at the animals and gives them kisses.
Her favorite activity is playing at the park. She is an expert swinger and has moved on to the slide.
She has learned how to make calls on the cell phone. The first call was made to Aunt Marla.
She has learned how to say "ya" and nod her head if she wants something. Everything she sees is a "this or that."
She sometimes says "daddy" instead of "dada."
Did I mention, still no "mama!"
She is signing "drink, eat, milk, sleep."
She loves to cook with her pots and pans.
She went on her first Easter Egg Hunt.
Since she is no longer at daycare, she gets social time at church daycare and YMCA child watch a few times a week.
Lillie loves people. Will go to anyone that will put there arms out.
She went to her first Yard Dawgz game. Loved it!
She has been working hard at raising money for March of Dimes.
She naps everyday for about two hours.
She sleeps better at night, sometimes 6-7 hours at a time. She still has "bad nights" too.
She has the same bedtime routine since we brought her home. She has her bath, massage, story (we our working on the sign for bath and story) then bed time.
Her favorite foods include: Lasagna, string cheese, chicky noodle, spaghetti o's, cookie, and scrambled egg.
She has to eat every 3 hours.
She attempted her first "family movie night." We watched Wall-E. She fell asleep after about 15 minutes.
She loves to snuggle with Daddy when he gets home from work.
When she gets mad she lays her head on the floor and cries.
That's about it. I could write for hours... but will spare you.
Lillie and the car that gave her the confidence to walk.

1 comment:
love that last pics - great post! I just bought you guys 2 signing books and one of them is bedtime. I will give them to you next week!
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