I don't want to do a play by play of my trip. I think it is better to sum it up with photos. I had a fantastic trip! It was wonderful to spend 4 days uninterrupted with Marla. It is a rare treat and I will make a point to do it more often.
The pictures are all out of order. This is my last night in town. We couldn't get in to see Letterman so we waited out back for Bruno to make his appearance. The crowd and paparazzi starting to line up outside when we got there. Sad because we were too late for Letterman. Pina Coladas at Rockefeller Center in the rain. Hanging out watching Withnail and I. Best part of the trip! Monk's diner from Seinfeld. Absolutely disgusting! Smashing beer cans. Another trip highlight. We went to Les Halles so I could track down Anthony Bourdain. No luck. The food was fantastic! The MOMA. Some predinner wine. Waste not Want not exhibit by Song Dong. These are all of his and his mother's belongings catagorized. Music and art. I was listening to Blondie. This place was closed but looked good. Cuban restaurant. Very good. Great soup!
looks like a great trip - glad i got to keep lillie for a day - we had a blast!
Looks wonderful. I'm heading to NYC in the fall. I miss it so much...I need a fix. I am jealous about the Les Halles bit. Boo.
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