Doing: She climbs everything! She climbs on top of her play kitchen, climbs on chairs to turn on lights and put in dvd's.
She cooks in the kitchen and has to make her own mac mac cheese. She gets her step stool and pushes it to the microwave and shuts the door and pushes the button. She also likes to clean up after herself and others. Sometimes she makes a mess just so she can clean it up.
She likes to hold her own hand when in parking lots and crossing the street. Of course, we have to fight her and make her hold our hand for safety. She is potty training! We found out that a mother's day out she was using the big kid potty. Who knew? So we brought it up at home and she decided she would potty train herself. One night she fell in the potty and now asks for help on occasion.
She is still getting bronchitis way too much. I would guess that she is on the nebulizer about every 6 weeks. On the bright side she has learned to neb her self!

Lillie has had the alphabet down for a month or so. It isn't perfect, but pretty darn good for a two year old. She is also working on counting to 10, but she starts with 5 instead of 1. She is having a hard time with colors. She still calls everything yellow, but she does know pink.
Saying: The more words Lillie learns (and I think she knows every word in the dictionary) the less we understand. This morning she was asking for something and I didn't understand her. Per Sooner Start's instructions I said "I can see that makes you very excited". Not knowing at all what she was saying. Then she followed it up with "I want to see Monkeys, Bears, and Lions". I finally figured it out, she wanted to go to the zoo. We are going later today.
We are supposed to correct her speech but some of it is too cute to correct. Example: Worsie=Horsey, Mac-Mac Cheese= Macaroni and Cheese, Tartoon=Cartoon. One of her favorite phrases is "I do it" and "I don't wanna it". She is very independent. She calls daycare, mother's day out or child watch "going to town". If it is at a church it is "church town" or if it is the YMCA child watch she calls it "yellow town". We haven't figured out why she calls it Yellow Town. She started that before we started working on colors.
Some words have changed and we miss the old baby talk. She used to call Draven, Bubba. Now she calls him Drave or Draben. I still think it is cute. She used to call Tucker, Tutter. Now he is just plain ol' Tucker.
We have a hard time with a lot of what she says so Chris and I are always asking her to show us what she wants. It is like living with a foreigner.
Loving: Lillie loves to be home and play. If she could do anything that would be her top choice. She comes home and plays with her dolls and pretends to be a mommy. She has recently got into movies too. As we speak she is watching the Princess and the Frog. If we go out she always ask to go to the park (which sounds a lot like "bark"). And if we go to the park she asks to go to the ice cream place (Fruti's Frozen Yogurt). Lillie loves to be outside, especially playing house in the backyard. Lillie loves the water!

We took her to the beach a few months ago and now she is constantly asking to go to the beach house and to see the ocean. We are taking her back in a week. This time she can swim! She loves the pool, lake, ocean, but not baths as much as she used to. She loves to watch cartoons, especially Dora. She loves going to "town". Since I stay at home with Lillie it is a treat to get to go to daycare. She never fights it and always has a great time.

We took her to the beach a few months ago and now she is constantly asking to go to the beach house and to see the ocean. We are taking her back in a week. This time she can swim! She loves the pool, lake, ocean, but not baths as much as she used to. She loves to watch cartoons, especially Dora. She loves going to "town". Since I stay at home with Lillie it is a treat to get to go to daycare. She never fights it and always has a great time.
Hating: I hate to say that Lillie "hates" anything, but there are some things she "doesn't like". She doesn't like vegetables, holding hands, when other people try to help her, getting her hair washed, and I am sure other things but we will try not to dwell on the negative.
I guess that is about it! I will probably think of other things and have to add updates later.
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