Here's what was discussed today.
Estimated due date is 3-28-10. They will schedule a c-section a week or two before actual due date.
Risk of reoccurring preeclampsia is only 15%. Still scary, but she will watch me and the baby very closely.
I had routine blood work done today.
Scheduled first ultrasound for Wednesday the 18th. I will have a level 2 ultrasound between 11-13 weeks. After that I will have them monthly to make sure everything is progressing as it should.
The nurse sent me home with a pregnancy goody bag filled with magazines and prenatal vitamin samples. One of the magazines shows the baby's development month by month. This will be a great resource for Lillie. It is so hard for her to understand that the baby is growing and won't be here until March. She has no idea when March is.
Symptoms: Nausea! Nothing sounds good and when I do eat I can only eat very little. I have been eating a lot of fruit, but that doesn't even sound good today. I am also having major fatigue. I forgot how rough this is. I start to feel queasy and then faint or dizzy and all I want to do is rest. The strange thing is that I have been sleeping really well. I go to bed around 10:30 (normal for me) and wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 7am. Most mornings I get up before Lillie. I am sure this will change as my belly begins to expand.
I don't have any belly pics or any other pics to share so here's a stock photo of a 7 week old fetus. It is amazing how fast they change and grow!

Love you, mama! I was so sick all I wanted was Ritz crackers and berry flavored Gatorade. You're in our prayers, as are the rest of the Hens!
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