Let's start with the oldest.
Draven started driver's ed this week. It scared the crap out of him. After two days of driver's ed he went and took his written test. He passed! And is officially a driver. He is getting a little less nervous each time behind the wheel. In less than two weeks he starts school. My oldest will be a sophomore in High School. HOLY. COW. Next month he turns 16. WOW!
Here he is behind the wheel for the first time legally.

Here he is behind the wheel for the first time legally.

Lillie is doing well and busy as usual. She is now in a big girl bed. She falls out every night and is still getting the hang of it. She loves it, but doesn't sleep very well in it. No more toddler bed.
But the biggest news is she is finally in school! This girl has asked to go to "real" school (not daycare) since she was old enough to talk. The one school I wanted to get her in was full. The enrollment was the week I had Phoebe. It's a first come first serve kinda thing.
I decided to take a chance and call them to double check for an opening. Would you believe it? They had one in Lillie's age group. She will start preschool in less than two weeks. WOW!
Now on to Phoebe.
Or Phoebster.
Or BeeBee
Or Beebs
Or Beeber
Or... Well, I could go on and on.
She had her 4 month appointment. She is now 14 pounds and officially on baby food. We have only tried cereal but she loves it.
No, really. She loves it!
Next week we will start green beans. I've learned to always start with the worst tasting food first. Greens are bad. Babies love the orange! You get them hooked on the oranges and they won't eat the green. I have these kids figured out!

Next week we will start green beans. I've learned to always start with the worst tasting food first. Greens are bad. Babies love the orange! You get them hooked on the oranges and they won't eat the green. I have these kids figured out!
She is now rolling over (one way) and even tries (I flip her back over) to sleep on her belly. She is giggling and smiling at everything. She is still the easiest baby ever. She doesn't cry, she doesn't spit up, she eats like a champ, and sleeps at least 6-8 hours (sometimes all night without a peep) in a row at night. We have a great night time routine. I can lay her in bed at bedtime and she goes right to sleep. I have learned to always put a baby to bed awake. I rock her for a little bit to get her relaxed and then put her in her crib. Her fist goes in her mouth and then she covers her eyes with the other hand (the lights are usually still on so we can put Lillie to bed next).
Sometimes Phoebe joins Lillie in bed for story time.
Phoebe is also learning the joy of toys!
Here she is in her new bouncy swing!
She can hold on to things, reach for them and bring things to her mouth. Her favorite toy right now is a Lillie hand me down Elmo. All babies love Elmo. Maybe it's his color. This one giggles. She loves it.
Here she is in her new bouncy swing!
As for me and Chris... Nothing new. Im babysitting for some extra cash. Chris has picked up a few adoptions for some extra cash. I went to the lake with the kids last weekend. No pics, but we did see 3 foxes in the yard. (my bro has a pic I need to steal)
That's it for now.
All is well at the Hen House.
1 comment:
Girl I getcha! Enjoy those kids they are growing so quick. I can't believe Draven is driving...(That sounds funny drivin with Draven next on Discovery Channell)
Hopefully it cools off soon so we can go to the ZOO I have only beed once this year and it was whoa well sticky.
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