Tuesday, September 27, 2011

hen house update...

Let's start with youngest to oldest.
Check out the drool. And the blue eyes.
Our first fall cold day. Look at food on her face. And the blue eyes.

Phoebe is crying as I type this. Yesterday was her 6 month checkup and she is a mess. She got 3 shots, including the flu shot. On top of it all she has a cold. She is running a fever because of the shots and is just a blubbering mess. She weighed 16.2 pounds. 50-75 percentile for height and weight. I don't remember the height. According to her charts she has a small head. I disagree. They say 10-25 percentile. I say they are full of crap.
Here is what she is doing...
Sitting unassisted, pushing up to crawl position for a few minutes but not crawling, standing holding on to furniture including crib, she can say dada and baba (she doesn't "know" the words, she just says them), she plays with toys and puts everything in her mouth, she is checking out her world, she wants to touch and grab everything, she sleeps ok (not great), she goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up at 2 ish, she eats very well, she likes green beans best, she eats some table foods including beans and avocado, she watches everything her big sister does. She is a joy to be around. Her blue eyes get a lot of attention. Still not sure if she is going to have red or blonde hair. She sits in the shopping cart at the grocery store and can use the restaurant high chairs. I can already tell that she is going to be different from her sister. She is the sweet loving one and Lillie is... well... Lillie.

On to the BIG sister.
We took this picture at the fair. She loves cheerleaders and cheerleading. Her favorite cheer is "Gooooo.... Cheerleaders!" She cheers for herself. So Lillie. She is modeling in this picture. She likes to pose and take pictures. She thinks she is beautiful. And she is.

Lillie toasting Nanna at Grandparents Day at her school.

Lillie is enjoying preschool. I asked her if she was the smartest kid in the class and she informed me that she "teaches the class." Of course. She has lots of friends and is still fearless. She wanted to ride every ride at the fair. She could only ride the kid rides, but she loved it and she got to do it without mom and dad. We cramp her style. She doesn't pretend to like everyone and she will tell you. Everything is on her terms. She is not the sweetest kid, but she knows what she wants and how to get it. She knows how to spell her name. She gets all the letters in there, just not always in the right order. She loves to draw people, grass, clouds, rainbows and the sun. She is a daddy's girl. She has a crazy imagination. She has many invisible friends and it is always someones birthday. She still has respiratory problems and now officially has asthma. She doesn't eat well but sleeps like a champ. Her favorite food is Old McDonalds. She is a genius. No, seriously. This kid is too smart. I don't mean like "knows her ABC's" kinda smart. I mean smart. Let me give an example. I got on to her for not sharing her toys with Phoebe and she replied "Well, you should ask me permission before giving her my toys." This girls might be an attorney just like her daddy. Even though she is a genius, she still says cute things like "gumbritto" (burrito) or "gumbrella" (umbrella). Not sure why. But it is cute. She likes playing with her 16 year old brother more than with her Lil' Sis because she is a baby.

Now on to big brother.
Another great photo from the fair.
Draven was very disappointed we could find Pizza on a stick this year. But we ate many other high calorie fair foods.

Draven is doing well in school. He is getting a little more private but I he still shares most things with me. There is a girl, but they are not dating yet. They have been friends for a year +. I am encouraging them to date and so are his teachers. It would be good for his self esteem. He still isn't in to driving. He needs a lot of practice, but it makes him nervous. He is finally less in to video games, but thanks to our new cable tv and Netflix, he watches more tv. Now if only I could get him in to some classics instead of South Park reruns. I really want him to spend more time with his art or music. He needs an outlet. For years he has told us he wanted to be a video game designer when he grows up. I'm sure that sounds like an awesome plan to a teenage boy, but to his parents, not so much. We know what his calling is. He just had to figure it out for himself. Then the lightbulb went off (thanks to a very inspirational teacher). He came home from school one day and said "I know what I want to do, teach." Of course. Draven is so good with kids. I always said that he needed to work with children. But teaching, that is perfect. I think that his favorite teacher has really made an impact on his life. I don't think he ever would of come up with this plan without him. We really owe this guy a lot for being such a positive role model for Draven. We have two college tours scheduled for this year. What? College? For my son? Good Lord! How did that happen? We want him to find a small somewhat close (in state or a border state) college. After a year or two he can transfer to wherever he wants. Chris and I have discussed it and we agree he needs small town, away from mom and dad, less than 5 hours away, live on campus, one on one attention from teachers. Too much to ask? Nah.

Now on to me.
What have I been doing.
Drinking. In a bar. Without my kids. Or husband. What? We must be in Bizzaro World. Nope, just Austin.
More Bizzaro World. It's me, working.
Usually this is the smallest paragraph in my update blog. My life is pretty boring. Absuletely perfect and I wouldn't change a thing (maybe a few things, money, travel, but you know what I mean). I joined a softball team. Team America, "F" yeah! I missed last weeks game due to a business trip. I know, what kinda trip? I'm a stay at home mom. My old boss called me in to fill in for a trade show in Austin. It had been a few years, but it was just like riding a bike. It was a little weird switching roles with Chris. He took care of the kids all week and I worked. The big difference was I didn't come home each night. It was a little lonely but the food was good so that helped. I've been trying to get more organized in my life. I am working on throwing away stuff I don't need. Right now I have been working on clothes. I already have three large trash bags full. I buy too much crap. I am trying to take better care of myself. I have been wearing t-shirts and running shorts everyday. I need to dress up more. And by dressing up I don't mean dresses, just look a little more put together. I have spent a lot more time with my mom recently. My step dad had a stroke and so she has been in the city staying with him in a rehab facility. She helped out when I was in Austin and we have gotten together more times in the past month than we did all last year. It has been nice. It has been good to have her back in my life.

Now on to Dad.
Another fair photo.
You can't pick your parents, but you can pick their nose! This might have to be Chris' new Facebook profile pic.
Poor guy. He is one stressed out fella. He is working harder than ever and getting paid less. He is wanting to get back in to Worker's Comp but no such luck. He did, however, win a comp case last month that will bring in a little cash for us. I'm encouraging him to take a men's trip to Canada next month. He doesn't know if he can take off, but he needs it. We all need to get away every once in a while. Even better, Chris and I need to get away from our kids! Now that sounds like a good idea. We are due a date night. He is such a wonderful dad and the best husband. Even when he is stressed out I just love to be with him. He is funny. So funny. He posted on Facebook that he needed a "stand-in" while I was out of town. Some of his jokes might come across as tacky, but I think he is hilarious. There is no other person I would rather be with.
Well, I guess that is it folks. We are headed to the lake in a couple of days. Don't get me started. God I love that place. It is 900 square feet of heaven. I will make sure and take lots of pictures. Who doesn't love (another) lake house post?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Draven's 16th birthday...

For Draven's birthday he wanted to spend the weekend at the lake with his friends. What a perfect idea! We sent the girls to go stay with family and we had a teen/adult party at the lake.
Bubba (Draven's godfather) hooked us up with a double decker boat at this really cool place called Serenity Point. The boat had a slide and a top deck great for jumping off. When we got back we played at the marina. They had all kinds of fun lake toys. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to drown. We had a bonfire one night and did lots of swimming. I think Draven had a great Birth-weekend!

Here's a pic of D's friends on the way to the boat. Check out how pretty it is!
The boat and the captain!
I made all the boys wear lifejackets. I know, not cool. But at least I didn't have to worry about them drowning each other.
There were many jumps off the top deck and only a few painful belly flops.
One handed over the rail!

16 and behind the wheel with his Bubba Mike.
Behind the boat wheel.
Looking up at the boys on the top deck.
The slide off the boat.
Great pic of the boys.
The trampoline at Serenity Point.
Out in the backyard of the lake house.
Searching for treasure with the metal detector.
No one ever spells Draven's name right on his cake so we went ahead and ordered it wrong. "Happy Birthday Darven"

Oops, I forgot the candles. Abe came up with a plan b.
The highlight of the trip were the toys at Serenity Point. You can play King of the Mat and try to push everyone else off. We were laughing so hard I thought they were going to kick us out!
Walking (or jumping) off the plank. It is about 20' high. It doesn't look that high from the ground but when you are up there it is pretty scary!
The stairs going up to the plank.

The aftermath...

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Oh my! It has been so hot this summer. That is an understatement. It has been ridiculous. We not only have had temps in the 100s we have had many days over 110! Wow!
Not only does it make you sweaty, it leaves you cranky. On edge. In a bad mood. When I'm hot I don't want to even hold Phoebe. I'm sticky. Ewww.
I got in my car last week after softball practice and the temp read 116 degrees. Crazy hot.
I got home and this is what I saw.
Lillie had on coat, hat, scarf, gloves and was doing snow angels on the hardwood floors.
I guess she is ready for summer to be over.
After many days of excessive heat, we are finally getting some relief. It has rained every day for about a week. It has still been hot, but better.
We sat outside and watched this storm come in until the lightning got too close.
Watching the storm from inside.
Playing in the rain.

And now today is glorious! A storm came in at around 5am and it has been raining ever since. No sign of stopping. Me, Phoebe, and Auntie watched the rain from the Red Cup porch this morning. Now Phoebe is asleep, Lillie is at school, and it is quiet in the house. I can hear the rain outside, the flash of lightning, the sound of thunder.
It is amazing how weather can change your mood. I want to soak it all up.
Come on fall...

They grow up...

Way too fast!

Here's a pic of Lillie after school. After she finished her Fro-Yo she grabbed this magazine and kicked back for some light reading.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First Day of School!!!!

Draven started school on Monday. He is a sophomore! All went well. He is excited about his classes and the teachers he got. So far so good. Since he is (almost) 16... I did not get one back to school photo. I knew that he would just glare at me and be bothered by me wasting his precious time.
Lillie on the other hand... Allowed me to take a bunch of photos! Today was her first day of Preschool. This girl has been asking to go to school since she was old enough to talk. She couldn't wait. Last night she did her homework, can you believe it, homework before the first day of class! I kid. Anyway... The assignment was to tell about yourself.
Name: Lillie
Age: 3
Favorite color: hot pink
Favorite food: mac mac cheese
Favorite book: My Little Pony (Chris was disappointed in her choice, he was hoping for a classic)
Favorite animal: unicorns
Favorite thing to play: Ride Bike (Chris was hoping for cook)
Then on the top of the page she wrote her name, I did the rest of the writing. The only problem is, when she writes her name she doesn't like the duplicate letters in "Lillie" so she only writes the L, I, and E. That's right. She puts on all of her drawings, coloring, and homework "LIE".
I'm sure the teacher will figure it out.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Someone loves green beans!!!!!

This girl loves food! The first day we tried solid food I was amazed. She sucked down cereal like she had been eating solids for months now. She sucked it off the spoon, chewed, and swallowed. They say a baby is ready for solids when she starts to show interest in watching others eat. This girl watches us like she wants to snatch the food off our plate. If you are eating something and holding her she will grab for it. She has been on cereal for almost 2 weeks so I decided to give green beans a chance today. You know, start with the yucky stuff first. Well... To her, there is now yucky stuff. She lapped this stuff up like it was ice cream. I think she might give Draven a run for his money and be the new eater of the family.
Just wait till she tries the good stuff like sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash.
But she's not getting any of those for a few more weeks.
Sorry BeBe.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kid update...

I haven't posted in awhile so I figured it was time to update.
Let's start with the oldest.
Draven started driver's ed this week. It scared the crap out of him. After two days of driver's ed he went and took his written test. He passed! And is officially a driver. He is getting a little less nervous each time behind the wheel. In less than two weeks he starts school. My oldest will be a sophomore in High School. HOLY. COW. Next month he turns 16. WOW!
Here he is behind the wheel for the first time legally.
Lillie is doing well and busy as usual. She is now in a big girl bed. She falls out every night and is still getting the hang of it. She loves it, but doesn't sleep very well in it. No more toddler bed.
But the biggest news is she is finally in school! This girl has asked to go to "real" school (not daycare) since she was old enough to talk. The one school I wanted to get her in was full. The enrollment was the week I had Phoebe. It's a first come first serve kinda thing.
I decided to take a chance and call them to double check for an opening. Would you believe it? They had one in Lillie's age group. She will start preschool in less than two weeks. WOW!

Now on to Phoebe.
Or Phoebster.
Or BeeBee
Or Beebs
Or Beeber
Or... Well, I could go on and on.
She had her 4 month appointment. She is now 14 pounds and officially on baby food. We have only tried cereal but she loves it.
No, really. She loves it!
Next week we will start green beans. I've learned to always start with the worst tasting food first. Greens are bad. Babies love the orange! You get them hooked on the oranges and they won't eat the green. I have these kids figured out!
She is now rolling over (one way) and even tries (I flip her back over) to sleep on her belly. She is giggling and smiling at everything. She is still the easiest baby ever. She doesn't cry, she doesn't spit up, she eats like a champ, and sleeps at least 6-8 hours (sometimes all night without a peep) in a row at night. We have a great night time routine. I can lay her in bed at bedtime and she goes right to sleep. I have learned to always put a baby to bed awake. I rock her for a little bit to get her relaxed and then put her in her crib. Her fist goes in her mouth and then she covers her eyes with the other hand (the lights are usually still on so we can put Lillie to bed next).
Sometimes Phoebe joins Lillie in bed for story time.
Phoebe is also learning the joy of toys!
Here she is in her new bouncy swing!
She can hold on to things, reach for them and bring things to her mouth. Her favorite toy right now is a Lillie hand me down Elmo. All babies love Elmo. Maybe it's his color. This one giggles. She loves it.
As for me and Chris... Nothing new. Im babysitting for some extra cash. Chris has picked up a few adoptions for some extra cash. I went to the lake with the kids last weekend. No pics, but we did see 3 foxes in the yard. (my bro has a pic I need to steal)
That's it for now.
All is well at the Hen House.