Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Yeah, for tomorrow!!!! I have an appointment at 10 in the morning and get to hear the baby's heartbeat. I am going to take Draven with me since Chris will be in court. After Chris gets off (hopefully very early) we will head to Galveston. Thank you, Thank you Nicole and Bill for sharing with us! I am going to sit around and drink prego-ritas (frozen lemonade.) Yummy! I just can't wait to spend time with my family without any outside interruptions. If I have time after the appointment I will post my updates. If not, you will have to wait till Monday! When I come back I will be bigger and tanner!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Baseball and Mexican food.
An american tradition! I got together with my family this weekend for my dad's 60th bday. It was really nice to see everyone together. Love the picture of the kids were I have them all staring into the blaring sun so that I can take their picture. Also, what's up with Aaron, Audrey and Kate having the same facial expressions? When I take pictures, no one smiles.

Friday, July 27, 2007
Chris just called me to tell me that we were offered the beach house for next week! Keep your fingers crossed. He still has to get any of his court dates covered. Not sure of the exact dates, but we will figure out some way to make it work! Woo-Hoo!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
So, we have changed our minds multiple times since we started talking about vacation. First it was big cedar lodge (too expensive) then it was just a cabin in the woods on the blue river (too boring) then eureka springs (not very summery) now it is Galveston. Looks like the beach house won't be available, but I still want to go. We can get a hotel on the beach for under $100 a night. So, I tell my boss I want off the 3rd-7th. He said that is fine. Now Chris can't get off. He is telling me and Draven to go without him. It just wouldn't be the same. What's a girl to do? I really need a vacation.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Prego news.
I think I am finally starting to feel better! I made my famous dinner last night, fish sticks, peas and mac and cheese. I ate it all and didn't feel like throwing up. I still am on my fruit kick, had a smoothie for lunch and lots of fruit throughout the day. Everyday I seem to feel better and better. I can't believe I am almost through with my first trimester. It ends as of August 4th! I went to yoga last night and actually felt like my belly was getting in the way of some of the poses. I start a pregnancy yoga class in two weeks. That is very exciting. By the time this baby is born I should be ready for anything. All is well for now, just anxiously awaiting my appointment on August 1st. I will get to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I can not wait!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sunday chores
So, Draven's room is done. Not exactly. Now I have to find a place for all of the crap I took out of his room. 10,000 comic books, 250 teddy bears, 150 video games, 325 movies he hasn't watched since he was 4 years old. You get the point. Also, if you look closely at my belly pictures, the guest room is a wreck too! I hope we don't have any company till we figure things out. With this baby coming we have to move the baby into the guest room, guest room into ? room, my vanity into our bedroom, a tv room that is just a wreck, and some how I have to find a place for everything. My nesting is hitting me early. I want to get all of this done today! You would of thought I had the queen coming to stay with us tomorrow, but no... just a baby in 6 1/2 months. That baby really won't care what my house looks like, but I do! Here's a shot of of the hallway.

THe room project is almost done. One project always leads to another. Now, I have a hallway full of stuff I need to store or sell. I also have to start to clear out the baby's room next. I took the bed from that room and gave it to Draven. I have stuff scattered everywhere plus I haven't done any of my usual weekend chores. House downstairs is not clean and lawn is not mowed. I bit off more than I can chew. I think I will work on my projects a little everyday after work. Maybe I can take a few days off next week and get ready for a garage sale and big trash day. While I have been working inside Chris is working on our backyard fence project. We have got a lot of stuff we need to clear out of here. Trash, trees and old toys. It's all going.

Saturday, July 21, 2007
I feel like I have been slacking when it comes to my updates on the pregnancy. So here's a quick breakdown. I still am nauseated just about all the time. Actually, all the time. When I do eat, I have to force myself to eat. Nothing sounds good. All of the usual stuff that is so yummy, now makes me sick. Anything with a cream sauce sends me over the edge. No more chicken enchiladas with sour cream sauce, no mashed potatoes and gravy, no blue cheese dressing. I tried a BLT (hold the mayo) yesterday thinking that should go down easy. Not so much. We had sloppy joes last night. After a few bites I was upstairs feeling like I was going to loose it. On top of the nausea and not eating I now get very faint and feel like I am going to pass out. We went shopping yesterday and I had to find a chair. I feel like I have a combination of heat exhaustion and motion sickness at the same time. Simply Delightful! Of course the more I read on my chat site, www.i-am-pregnant.com, the better I feel about my situation. Most of these women have already had trips to the ER for dehydration or other crazy complications i have never even heard of. So, it may not be the pregnancy I had with Draven (which was a walk in the park) but it could be a lot worse. Just ask Aunt Shel, Right? That girl was sick!
Draven is back for good and home for the summer. He didn't seem too tired even though he had been to two camps back to back. He did say that the last camp (camp crispin) is better than the first camp (camp classen.) Not much of a surprise, this was his third year at crispin. We made or stop at the Catfish Round Up for some more yummy food. We get to eat there only twice a year because it is so far away. Draven seems to be glad to be home. Lu-Lu is even happier! We took a video of her before she knew Draven was home, then of her realizing he was back. She was out of controll! Didn't do anything special when he got home. I had too many projects. Since he is starting sixth grade this year, I decided to give his room a more middle school look. So, we did some shopping and got a few new things. I felt like I was doing an episode of "While You Were Out." Draven played at a friends house while I went to work. Now we are getting ready for the Henry classic dinner, Sloppy Joes. I will post some of the before and after shots of his room in a moment. Rooms not done, but almost! Here are pictures from camp pick up. There's a picture of Draven with a funny face, he just ate Auntie Lo's sour candy she sent him. I think it is pretty cute!

Friday, July 20, 2007
Chris and I went shopping after work for curtain rods. Ended up at Burlington and found some really good deals on maternity clothes. My sweet husband offered to buy me a new outfit. Most of the stuff looked like it was designed in the wrong era or for the wrong age group. All of it looked too young or too old for me. A lot of it just didn't fit right. I am still in the early stages of pregnancy so I can't expect the clothes a woman in her 8th month wears to fit me the same in 11th week. I did find a cute pair of pants and a cute shirt, just not together. Maybe together. I don't have many choices right now. None the less... I am very excited about my new clothes. Thanks Hen!
Ready for the weekend...
It is Friday morning, wish it was Friday at 5:30! Still have 9 hours to go. No big plans tonight, but Saturday we get our boy back. I am so ready to get him home for good. I have a feeling he will be ready to be home for good. Can't post my Thursday belly picture today, Chris has my camera. He is taking a picture of a dining room table he feel in love with. His mother bought us a table for a wedding gift and it is gorgeous, but he likes this one even more. We already have 2 large dining room tables (which we use both) who needs another. I guess we do. Back to the weekend. I am hoping to either see a movie or work on our curtain project. We bought curtains for our bedroom, Draven's room and the office. Maybe I will take some before and after pictures. I think it is going to change the rooms dramatically. I am wanting to redo Draven's room. It is so cluttered! Maybe on Sunday we can have a cleaning party. It is always fun if you add "party" to the end of it. When I get my boy back I am going to hug him till he can't stand it no more! I will have lots of camp pictures from our pick up on Saturday. Oh, and I will get his pictures developed too! Should have lots of blogging this weekend.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I am not pregnat...

I just ate a Kolache! Thanks Breck for helping me grow! Can't wait to see what my belly looks like after eating 2 sausage, cheese and jalapeno kolaches and a chocolate donut. She wants me to get big, I think this will do it. I don't need much help, I am doing a great job on my own. So far I've eaten the donut... still two kolaches to go! Look out Cletus, treats are heading your way!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
My sweet husband was scared of the old picture I had posted at the top of my blog. It was an embryo at 7 weeks. He was terrified of the idea that our baby had a tail. That early on it looked more like a lizard than a baby. Since Chris is known as Hen, and I am a Hen now as well, we decide that a chick is more appropriate. It is also a lot cuter to look at. Any of you that are concerned out there, we don't plan on giving birth to a chicken or a lizard. Hoping for a baby.
Say goodbye to the lizard!
Say goodbye to the lizard!


I wore my prego jeans today. They make me look so pregnant! Even more than my bare belly pics.
I can't stop looking at my expanding baby bump. I decided to take a picture in the bathroom at work. I am such a dork. I wanted to share the pic with the people I don't see often. It is a momentous occasion. Me, looking pregnant! Woo-Hoo!
We went to dad's house last night for his 60th birthday. We had a little cake, very yummy cake, a lot of Raymond and watched his dog do his new tricks. Not a bad night, but by the time I got home I was so sick to my stomach. We didn't have dinner just cake. Chris had a few left over ribs, I just can't eat left overs at someone's house, unless it is my own. Once we got home I went straight to sleep. Now this morning I am starving! Think I might go find me some breakfast. I am on a mission!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
My husband can't find my blog.
Chris just called to tell me my blog isn't working. He gets so frustrated that he just gives up. His crankiness makes me cranky. So hen... If you finally find this blog, you need to calm down. Your wife loves you and so does Cletus.
Simmer down. Here is the website, I swear it isn't that difficult.
Simmer down. Here is the website, I swear it isn't that difficult.
Monday Night Belly Picture
Got home Monday night and was beat! I went straight to the couch and laid down. I was asleep by 9 p.m.
I find myself tossing and turning more at night than usual. Feeling ok today, but just ok. My stomach is all upset. It is hard to tell if I feel pregnant or if I am actually sick. Lets hope I am just pregnant. Last thing I would want is to be sick and pregnant. Blah!
Monday, July 16, 2007
10 weeks

This week is somewhat of a landmark for your developing baby. By now, your baby's complete body plan is laid down. Your baby will continue to develop and grow for the remainder of the pregnancy. The fingers and toes have separated and the tail has dissappeared now. Your baby has taste and tooth buds at this point, which will continue to develop. The brain will continue to grow at an amazing rate and nearly a quarter of a million new neurons are produced every minute! The embryonic heart is completely developed. External genitalia are not apparent until next week, but a male's testes will already be producing testoterone.
Because you have high hormone levels at this time, you may notice an abundance of emotional and physical effects. Most pregnant women find themselves getting distressed easily and have frequent mood swings. Common physical changes include the beginning of real weight gain, potential softening of the gums and slightly swollen thyroid glands. Common emotional changes include feelings of unattractiveness, feelings of inadequacy and concerns about what the future holds. Some women are not excited about their pregnancy at first and question the condition. It is not uncommon to get upset easily, cry at the slightest things, feel moody or drift on daydreams.
Ok, all of that sucks. But... my baby is starting to look like a baby! That makes me happy. No tail!
My lumberjack
Chris wanted me to take pictures of our backyard and what it looked like before. We want to have it all cleared out, new grass and fenced before the baby gets here. Not only did Chris want the before pics of the yard he wanted before pics of himself. He wants to prove to the baby that he was a young fit guy a one point in his life. He is a manly man with a chain saw. What a guy, what a man!

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