Friday, July 6, 2007

Just another Friday night.

So, what is everyone else doing on a Friday night? My plan.... Chris bought me some Jones Cream Soda, going to eat left over 4th bbq, and watch SNL reruns. Jealous? Oh, and I guess I will blog about my boring life.
I did give the new dog a flea bath. Draven is at a friends playing and has a party tomorrow and leaves for one of two summer camps on Sunday. Yes, he has a life. I have a belly.

1 comment:

Jennifer Lacy said...

well we worked out in the from yard/fowerbeds all afternoon, picked up Kate at 5pm, worked some more outside and then went swimming illegaly at an apt pool (we do atleast have friends that live there. Kate went to bed at 9:30 and we had Arby's for dinner. Draven has more of a life than his aunt jenn too!
Oh and i don't have pg belly but i do still have this big protrusion where i am more convinced than ever the dr left a sponge in me. Should i do some belly pics? Yeah right!!!