Sunday, July 15, 2007

Draven is back!

Yeah! I got my boy back! Chris and I were so worried that we were going to pick him up and he was going to tell us how horrible it was. We were wrong! Sometimes it feels good to be wrong. He had the best time ever! He came back a changed boy. He is full of confidence, he even asked a girl to the dance. He was glad to be back home with us and told us all about his camp adventures on the way home. I have never been so happy. Once we were home, we started planning our day. He wanted to start the day by going to Panera for Broccolli and Cheddar soup. His favorite. So off we went. He filled up on lunch then we did a little shopping. Chris had been running around meeting with clients that afternoon so we met him at home when he was back into town. Draven's next request was dinner and a movie. We went to see the new Harry Potter movie which I loved, Chris liked and Draven hated. The only reason Draven didn't like was because it made him sad. Won't give it away. After that we headed to our new favorite pizza place, Falcone's. I could barely get a slice down, but the boys loved it. When we got home Draven informed me he didn't want to go to camp on Sunday. I felt so bad for him. He really wanted to spend some time at home with his family and dog before leaving again. It was the last session of camp crispin and it was already paid for. Not a lot I could do. I hooked him up with a nice relaxing bath and told him not to think about camp till in the morning. When he woke up Sunday morning he was ready to go. He was really excited to be going back to camp. We headed out about 1pm. We left early so we could stop at our favorite restaurant, Catfish Roundup. Seriously, go there. It is exit 200 off I-40 just east of Shawnee. They say they have the best catfish in Oklahoma and they do! We got Draven to camp early so we walked around and checked out the grounds. Once we got him checked in we headed to his cabin. To our surprise, it was air conditioned. He was so excited! He forgot a few things at home, so I am shipping him a package tomorrow. I have a feeling he is going to have a blast. He is a camp machine. His little dog won't do so well. Once he gets back he is home for good. I think he will be ready to be home for a while and do his summer school work. He has a lot of it!

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