This weekend we watched my 8 year old niece and 1 year old niece. We spent Friday night cooking out and playing in the sprinklers. Draven had a friend over that we were watching till 10 pm. They all played very well together. Kate went to bed at 8pm a planned, but woke up off and on with a cough and congestion. We spent all day Saturday at the zoo. All the kids seemed to love it. Kate was a little off her game, but really enjoyed the animals. Whenever she would here the kids say something was "cool" she perked up and wanted to see what they were looking at. She really like the bears. As usual, our favorite part of the zoo was the Lorakeet exhibit. The kids got swarmed by birds. I was hoping one would fly over to Kate, thinking she would love that. I was wrong. One flew onto her stroller and she screamed and swatted at it to leave. It was pretty funny. After about 6 hours at the zoo we were all getting tired. Kate was ready for a nap/bedtime and the rest of us had tired legs. I am still sore. My hips are hurting and I feel like I have been lifting weights. My arms are sore! I am glad I get to ease back into motherhood. If I had to start with a one year old, I don't know if I could do it. They are lots of work! I guess God gives you the first year to work your way into it. You get to start by lifting 8 pounds everyday. They don't walk, so no chasing them. Then you get to practice when they begin to crawl. Me and the baby will learn new things together. I know I am not a first time mother, but I feel like one. There is a big difference in being a mother at 19 and a mother at 31. I look at things differently. I signed up for a birthing class, infant care class and a breast feeding class. I feel like a new mom. Chris is new to all of this, so I don't feel foolish for taking refresher classes.
Our little baby was quite active last night. She is getting storng enough to make me jump when she kicks. I kept my hand on my belly and smiled all night. She seems to be a night owl. Maybe she gets that from her dad.
We are going to do a little baby shopping today. We still don't know what type of bedding we want. We both want something basic, but can't find it. I would like something in an ivory with a darker trim. How hard is that? We don't want a bunch of print and pattern. At least we both agree on the baby stuff and seem to have the same taste.
I have lots of pics to post of our weekend, but won't have them up till Monday. My camera is hooked up to my Mac at work. That's all for now. Getting ready to eat Chris' famous biscuits and gravy. Yum!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007

Pregnancy Week 20
How Big is the Baby at 20 Weeks Pregnant?
By pregnancy week 20 your baby is now almost 9 ounces and is between 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 inches long! The pregnancy week by week changes occurring at this stage are truly remarkable.
Your Baby's Growth and Development
By pregnancy 20 weeks your baby is now practicing breathing and swallowing on a regular basis. Your baby continues to grow and fill out, with the head becoming slightly more proportional to the rest of the body.
Your baby's skin is becoming more complex at the end of pregnancy week 20, forming different layers. The epidermis, or surface of your baby's skin now has four layers that contain ridges for fingertips. The layers that form in your baby's palms and feet will provide him with his own unique fingerprint later in life.
Your Growth and Development
By pregnancy 20 weeks time you are at the midpoint of your pregnancy, and onlookers are definitely starting to notice your bump! After pregnancy week 20 your uterus has likely reached your bellybutton. Growth typically starts to become more regular from this point in time on, so you should be noticing regular changes in your belly.
Remember that you are halfway through your pregnancy by 20 weeks pregnant, only 20 more weeks to go! Some ladies will deliver slightly sooner than 40 weeks, while others will delivery shortly after. A typical pregnancy usually lasts anywhere from 37-42 weeks. Where you fall in this spectrum will depend on a number of factors, including the accuracy of your due date, the health of your baby and even your genetics!
I am feeling that little girl more and more! She startles me! I am starting to show for real! I thought my belly was just noticeable from the side. I thought I would get a front shot to see what I look like coming straight ahead. Look out! My belly is wide! If you look close in the pic, I am holding my pants together with a rubber band, classy! I weighed myself on "mister friendly" (our home scale weighs lighter than my docs scale) and he said I still haven't gained weight. I think he was just trying to be nice. I go to the doc on Wednesday. My guess is 4 lb weight gain. That would be perfect. By now, most women have gained 10-15 pounds. I am still 2 pounds under my pre pregnancy weight. My arms, legs and face are even thinner than before. Just that belly that is growing. I still have 1/2 my pregnancy to go, so we will see what the next 4 1/2 months bring.

Wednesday night we treated ourselves to a night out at Musashi's. Great show, food was just ok.
So, not exactly a blog worthy evening, but it is all I've got. This weekend I am baby sitting my nieces. I am planning an evening outdoors for tonight and a day at the zoo for tomorrow. I am also watching one of Draven's friends tonight, but he is going home at 10:30 p.m. I am going to be worn out! Trying to think of stuff to do that I normally don't get to do. Having all of these kids over will give me a chance to play instead of work on my weekends. I promise my weekend blog should be full of cute pictures!

So, not exactly a blog worthy evening, but it is all I've got. This weekend I am baby sitting my nieces. I am planning an evening outdoors for tonight and a day at the zoo for tomorrow. I am also watching one of Draven's friends tonight, but he is going home at 10:30 p.m. I am going to be worn out! Trying to think of stuff to do that I normally don't get to do. Having all of these kids over will give me a chance to play instead of work on my weekends. I promise my weekend blog should be full of cute pictures!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I went to Yoga last night with Lo. It was a fantastic class! I don't know if it was the weather or what. It was just what I needed. After the class I took some updated belly shots. One in my yoga clothes without the belly exposed and then one with it showing. I also took my standard baby room belly shot. I can feel my energy level going up, but I am still ready for bed by 9pm every night. I am also having trouble sleeping. I have to get up to go to the bathroom at least 3 times a night. Then I toss and turn trying to fall back asleep. I am supposed to sleep on my side, but I keep ending up on my back. Last night I woke up with the most horrible charley horse. I can still feel it this morning. I soaked in the tub for 1/2 an hour and try to rub it out. Didn't work. Ouch! Those Hurt!!!!
Oh! the best part of the night.... Lo called me right as I got home from class to tell me that Al had made extra of my favorite dinner... Chinese Chicken Coleslaw Salad!!!!! I met them 1/2 way between our houses and they hooked my up with a big container of it. I ate that whole thing in no time. It was so Yummy!!!!!! Thanks Al and Lo!

Oh! the best part of the night.... Lo called me right as I got home from class to tell me that Al had made extra of my favorite dinner... Chinese Chicken Coleslaw Salad!!!!! I met them 1/2 way between our houses and they hooked my up with a big container of it. I ate that whole thing in no time. It was so Yummy!!!!!! Thanks Al and Lo!
Monday, September 24, 2007
I know I have been slacking when it comes to taking my belly pic. So, I went to my work bathroom and snuck in a picture. I just feel like it hasn't grown in a long time. I may not be getting bigger, but I am positive my little girl is! I can feel her move more than ever. I even got a real kick under my belly button last night. I had been feeling movement, but not kicks till this weekend. I just love it! I think I am out of my pregnancy funk! I just needed my baby to kick it out of me.
Woo-Hoo Draven!
Draven brought home his progress report from school on Friday. We were a little nervous because this school is such a change. The work is harder, more responsibility and more teachers. He ended up with 5 A'S and 3 B'S. We are so proud! He has worked really hard and it is paying off. I hope he can keep it up. So to reward him we let him pick out our saturday activities. He wanted to go to his favorite antique store, Memory Market. He and Chris both can spend a whole day there. Inside the store they have a smaller store that is filled with old Star Wars toys and army men. He just loves it! This Saturday they had free food. Draven loaded up on tamales and root beer. Then after that we headed to see Simpson's Movie. Not bad. I told him if he can keep up B's and A' for his report card, we will take him to Dallas to Medieval Times. That will be lots of fun around the holidays.
Here's a pic of Draven at Memory Market.
Here's a pic of Draven at Memory Market.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Do anything today. I feel so deflated. I am not feeling depressed, just lazy. Normally, on a Sunday I would be doing laundry, vacuuming, cleaning and telling the boys to help. Not today. I just want to sit in my rocker and rock my little baby to sleep. I think she enjoys it. I start my 20th week this week. I can't wait! Maybe what I am feeling is the same as a mountain climber. Let me explain. I have spent the past weeks waiting to get to the peak and I am almost there. The last few steps are so hard. Once I make it to the peak, It is all downhill. Hopefully, that means fast and easy for me. I just feel like I am dragging. I told Chris yesterday that it is tough being pregnant. He reminded me that I love being pregnant. I do and I don't. Sometimes you want to escape it and you can't. I can't take a break being pregnant. It is a 9 month commitment once you get started. There is so much waiting involved. I feel like now that I know it is a girl, I have nothing to wait on except the actual delivery. That is 4 1/2 months away! The nursery will keep me busy and pass the time. I just can't figure out what we are going to do with it. Maybe I should just sleep this Sunday. What a funk. I need to snap out of it. I am wearing my pj bottoms and a t-shirt today. I look like I feel.
Friday, September 21, 2007
19 weeks

She isn't the size of a tall boy yet. More like your standard 12 oz beer.
Your baby's crown-to-rump length is 5.2 to 6 inches this week. Your baby weighs approximately 7 ounces and will increase its weight more than 15 times between now and birth!
Most women can feel their uterus about a half of an inch below their bellybutton at this point of pregnancy. If you turn to the side, you can really tell that your body is changing! Most women have gained up to 14 pounds now and only 7 ounces of that is your baby! The placenta weighs about 6 ounces and the amniotic fluid that surrounds your baby weighs 11 ounces. Your breasts have increased in weight by 6 ounces each and the uterus has grown to 11 ounces! You may be gaining weight in places other than your abdomen and this may be affecting your posture and sleeping habits.
One of the most amazing aspects of your baby's growth and development is that of the fetal brain. Your baby's brain is one of the first organs to appear. Your baby's oversized head shows the brain's importance in his development. Because the nerves that connect the muscles to the brain have grown into place, your baby's movements are consciously directed. Your baby's ears stand out from the sides of the head and the buds for your baby's permanent teeth appear. Your baby's arms and legs have reached their relative proportions and his feet are approximately one inch long.
The musician....
Draven started 6th grade this year at Classen School of Advanced Studies. We are so proud of him! He gets to take 4 electives for the year and so far his favorite is guitar. I don't know where he gets it from, but he is a natural. His god father, Bubba Greg came over last night and give him some pointers. Here's a few pics from last night including a pic of Lu-Lu's last week at our house. She is going back to Tennessee. Thank God!

Draven started 6th grade this year at Classen School of Advanced Studies. We are so proud of him! He gets to take 4 electives for the year and so far his favorite is guitar. I don't know where he gets it from, but he is a natural. His god father, Bubba Greg came over last night and give him some pointers. Here's a few pics from last night including a pic of Lu-Lu's last week at our house. She is going back to Tennessee. Thank God!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Just so you know...
Last night, we had beef and it was delicious! He made exactly what I wanted. I guess he is defrosting the turkey for tonight's dinner. Maybe turkey meatloaf? That is a favorite of mine. He packs it full of celery, carrots, onions, yellow squash and any other veggie he can think of. Yum!
I am still enjoying my 2nd trimester. It is nice to have my appetite back, but it seems that I am back to being tired a lot. I eat dinner and go straight to bed. I don't think I've stayed up past 10 p.m. in weeks! It might have something to do with waking up at 6 a.m. so Draven can get to school on time. I am already thinking about how tired I am going to be when the baby arrives. My plan is to take Draven to school and Chris will take Preston to daycare. That is the plan at the moment. I hate the fact that I have to send my new little baby straight to daycare. The good news is that my bosses are letting me change my schedule. I will now be working 8-2pm M-F instead of 8:30-5:30. That way I have time to pick up Draven and Preston and still be home in time for kid and mother bonding. I might even get dinner on the table by 6pm! I just keep hoping that everything will work it's self out eventually. I can't figure out a schedule. I think we will just adjust our schedule to our little girl's schedule.
I will post my 19 week page soon for all of you out there keeping track. Preston should be the size of a Tall Boy beer can. Sweet!
I am still enjoying my 2nd trimester. It is nice to have my appetite back, but it seems that I am back to being tired a lot. I eat dinner and go straight to bed. I don't think I've stayed up past 10 p.m. in weeks! It might have something to do with waking up at 6 a.m. so Draven can get to school on time. I am already thinking about how tired I am going to be when the baby arrives. My plan is to take Draven to school and Chris will take Preston to daycare. That is the plan at the moment. I hate the fact that I have to send my new little baby straight to daycare. The good news is that my bosses are letting me change my schedule. I will now be working 8-2pm M-F instead of 8:30-5:30. That way I have time to pick up Draven and Preston and still be home in time for kid and mother bonding. I might even get dinner on the table by 6pm! I just keep hoping that everything will work it's self out eventually. I can't figure out a schedule. I think we will just adjust our schedule to our little girl's schedule.
I will post my 19 week page soon for all of you out there keeping track. Preston should be the size of a Tall Boy beer can. Sweet!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
ok, today... I am irritable. My sweet hubby called and asked what I wanted for dinner, so I told him. Since he got home early today, I was really looking forward to coming home to dinner. Well, I am home and no dinner. He is at the neighbor's house having a beer. Also, I see turkey out defrosting. I WANT BEEF!!!! I know he is on a diet, but I am not! My son was supposed to have his homework done and room clean before I got home from work. Guess what???? Not done. Oh, and did anyone bother to pick up after themselves today? Nope. I just went through the house and picked up shoes, socks, glasses and toys. I am tired and hungry. I have been home for 30 minutes and have the house picked up and beds made. Looks like next I am starting dinner and guess what we are having?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Draven and I had a mother son day at the Fair. I was so excited and as usual, so disappointed. We made the best of it and I tried not to let Draven catch on that I was not having fun. We started off at Souper Salad. That is going to be one of my favorite new places. We had salad, baked potatoes, soup and ice cream. I could go there again today. Hmmm... maybe I will! I am baby sitting my nieces here in a few minutes. I bet they would love to go with me! Back to the fair. The high lights of the fair would have to be the pig races! They were so cute. We also saw the penguin high dive show. That was very entertaining. I just waited for one of the guys in a penguin costume to break a leg or arm. Never happened. We also rode the ferris wheel and played a few games. I will never play fair games again! What a RIP! We spent all day there and only saw about 1/2 of it.
Some of the food choices. Everything was fried and on a stick.

Draven's favorite... CHEESE ON A STICK!

Lumberjack competition

Penguin high dive show

Swifty the pig at the pig races.

Wasting my money.

Draven's tattoo.

Various pics of the fair.

Some of the food choices. Everything was fried and on a stick.
Draven's favorite... CHEESE ON A STICK!
Lumberjack competition
Penguin high dive show
Swifty the pig at the pig races.
Wasting my money.
Draven's tattoo.
Various pics of the fair.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
18 weeks
I had an appointment on Wednesday and all was well. I really like my doc's office. It is such a warm and friendly place. They seem to know every single one of their patients by name. The checkout payment lady is a little cranky, but she even was laughing this time when I checked out. The doctor's cat has a new place it likes to hang out. It is right on top of the counter where you right your check. He won't budge. I don't mind. Sweet Kitty! So, they checked my weight and I lost another 2 pounds! I can't figure it out. I understand the first trimester I was sick and didn't want to eat. Ever since I have started my 2nd trimester I have been eating more and more everyday. My doc said that a lot of mom's are more concerned with what they eat early in the pregnancy. I do admit I am watching what I eat more than ever. On top of that, my body craves things that are good for me and the baby. Now, just because I eat good most of the time, that doesn't mean all of the time. I have been eating burgers, hot dogs and ice cream all last week. I was talked into going to Coit's twice in one week. Chili dogs both times! That was all before my checkup. So, the doc asked me if I knew why I was loosing weight. I don't. She said she would like me to gain weight be next appt. Oct. 3rd. We'll see. On to the big news! I go back monday, this monday!!!! to get another ultrasound. Dr. Reisig said that she sent me too early. I had blood work done last time for all the major birth defect tests. That was too early too. I am starting over. Had blood work done this week and u/s on monday. I have seen everyone's u/s pics online, women that are all due in February. They are so clear. I want to clearly know if I am having a boy or girl. I want a girl, but would be thrilled to have another boy. I found the cutest Derby Plaid baby bedding for Preston. That is the other thing. Still not sold on the name Preston Hanes for my little girl. I guess Monday we will be one step closer to making all of these decisions. I promise to get my u/s pics posted too. I think I am going to try to take pics of them. I tried to scan them and the scanner wasn't working right. I have another scanner at work, but you have to feed the u/s pics through the scanner and lots of things get scratched or stuck. Not taking any chances. Oh, one more thing before I go. I thought the baby was moving weeks ago. I think I was wrong. Baby is now really moving. More and more every day. Doc says it is too light for outsiders to feel. Just for me for now. In a few weeks the baby's kicks will be strong enough to be felt outside. Look out!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Had an Ok weekend. Started on Friday with pot roast and movies. Friday was lots of fun. Family dinner at home and movies in bed. We watched Blades of Glory and I crashed early. Saturday we went out to the Harn to help with the home tour. It was a little muggy out, actually it was very muggy! Chris came and relieved me and drave so that I could meet up with Lo for our pedicure. She treated me to a pedicure and brow was, both of which were much needed! Thanks Lo! That afternoon Chris and I went for a walk through the neighborhood and went to the home tour. That was so relaxing. Oh, and one of the best parts of my bday weekend, My mother in law brought over the best gifts. I got new clothes, bath stuff, a fuzzy blanket and more! She is so sweet and thoughtful. We went to Ted's for dinner and it was pretty good, but service was lacking. Sunday was my actual birthday but I didn't have much planned. I went and ran errands and then we tried the new Italian restaurant in our neighborhood. Not bad, not great. After that I finished watching a movie I started on Saturday called Hard Candy. Weird. I hit 18 weeks this week and I am officially feeling pregnant. I think I am even looking the part. I took lots of self portraits of my belly this weekend. The black dress I am wearing is one of my gifts from Gwen. It is non maternity but worths well with my belly. The blue pj's are bday gifts from Gwen too!
Draven at the Harn Helping me take tickets.

Dinner at Italiano's.

many belly pics.

Draven at the Harn Helping me take tickets.
Dinner at Italiano's.

many belly pics.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Sorry, just haven't been up to blogging. I have been sick since last Thursday and still feeling a little crappy. Not only that, but I am also a hormonal mess! I don't want to eat because everything taste bad then I feel guilty for not eating. I went to the doctor on Wednesday for my sinus infection and he weighed me. I still weigh 1 lb less than my pre pregnancy weight. I don't know how that can be. I have been reading my pregnant books again and they all say that I should be showing and in maternity garb. I am some of the time. I haven't had one person tell me I am showing or ask if I am pregnant. I took a belly picture last night and I am growing. I just don't know why I am not gaining weight. I think I loose it other places but my belly still expands. They say by the 18th week you should of gained 10-13 pounds! WOW! that is a lot! I guess it is almost 1/2 way there and the usual pregnancy weight gain is 25-35 pounds. They say that early on your blood increase and water increase are the causes for most of the weight gain. Did you know you have 25% more blood when you are pregnant? Who knew? I know I look pregnant in this picture. I just am not feeling pregnant enough! It is weird how pregnant women are all different. Some don't show until the 4th or 5th month, some show early, some carry high, some low. We all worry that are pregnancy is wrong when actually everything is perfectly normal. Anyway, back to feeling crappy. I started my day off bad because I got into an argument with Chris over day care. It is really overwhelming and everyone is telling me I need to get on a waiting list early! I just want to cry about everything. Anyway... shortly after my tiff with Chris, roses arrived. My birthday is on Sunday and the timing just couldn't of been better. Now I am doing better. Just have to figure out what the heck to eat for lunch. I really want a pb&j.

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