Sorry, just haven't been up to blogging. I have been sick since last Thursday and still feeling a little crappy. Not only that, but I am also a hormonal mess! I don't want to eat because everything taste bad then I feel guilty for not eating. I went to the doctor on Wednesday for my sinus infection and he weighed me. I still weigh 1 lb less than my pre pregnancy weight. I don't know how that can be. I have been reading my pregnant books again and they all say that I should be showing and in maternity garb. I am some of the time. I haven't had one person tell me I am showing or ask if I am pregnant. I took a belly picture last night and I am growing. I just don't know why I am not gaining weight. I think I loose it other places but my belly still expands. They say by the 18th week you should of gained 10-13 pounds! WOW! that is a lot! I guess it is almost 1/2 way there and the usual pregnancy weight gain is 25-35 pounds. They say that early on your blood increase and water increase are the causes for most of the weight gain. Did you know you have 25% more blood when you are pregnant? Who knew? I know I look pregnant in this picture. I just am not feeling pregnant enough! It is weird how pregnant women are all different. Some don't show until the 4th or 5th month, some show early, some carry high, some low. We all worry that are pregnancy is wrong when actually everything is perfectly normal. Anyway, back to feeling crappy. I started my day off bad because I got into an argument with Chris over day care. It is really overwhelming and everyone is telling me I need to get on a waiting list early! I just want to cry about everything. Anyway... shortly after my tiff with Chris, roses arrived. My birthday is on Sunday and the timing just couldn't of been better. Now I am doing better. Just have to figure out what the heck to eat for lunch. I really want a pb&j.

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