The only picture I have from our date night. This is Chris at the bar before dinner.
Lillie's hair is really growing. This is how she wore it for Mother's day.
We won!
Sophie, Mimi, Gwen, and Lillie
Another weekend gone already. Let me sum up where the time went. Friday night Chris and I had a date night. Draven and Lillie stayed at Aunt Sis and Uncle Bear's house while we went to an Exchange banquet. Before we headed out we stopped at Red Rooster and had a beer. I hadn't been to a bar in years, literally. It was nice to sit and talk. After that we headed to the Sportsman Club for dinner and a very long banquet. The dinner was fantastic as usual. The banquet was just a little drawn out. I have a hard time staying awake after 9pm. This was over around 9:30. Thank goodness for the coffee. Lillie and Draven seemed to enjoy themselves. Once we all got home we crashed.
Saturday we went to Chris cousin's house for croquet and dinner. I won't go into details. I will hit the highlights. We won at croquet and I drank WAY too much champagne. As they say on Seinfeld... I drank a bunch of champagne and Ya-da-Ya-da-Ya-da.... I woke up feeling like crap.
So Sunday I didn't feel like doing much. Lillie gave me the best gift of all. She let me sleep in. After snoozing off and on most of the morning we went to see the other mothers in our lives. I stopped at my sister's house, then off to Chris' mother's house, then back to my sister's house to see my mother. Once I got home Chris gave me my Mother's day gift. I can't wait to play with it. It is landscaping software and he is buying me trees! We are redoing our backyard. It will be great to see the trees grow as Lillie grows.
That basically sums up my weekend. I have to say I am worn out. I want to get my jammies on and it is only 5pm. Maybe a good night sleep and I will be good as new.
Can't wait to see your trees.....and my little niece and big nephew....and you guys!
That pic of Lillie and the hair cracks me up!
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