What a great weekend. It all started Thursday with cake baking at my sister's house. No, I didn't win. I am no longer bitter. Congratulations to my sister and her boring (I mean beautiful) cake! Friday we went to the park for our annual 4th festivities. We had great food, a cake walk (which I did win) and free beer. Lillie's favorite part was the swings! Draven enjoyed the golf. Chris stayed at the park to chat while me and the kiddos went to visit my grandparents. I didn't think I would have time. It was either take a nap or visit them. I am glad I went out there. We had a great visit! After that, we picked Chris up and headed to church for another cookout. It was lots of fun, great food, even better desserts. We drove around after church to find the best spot to view all of the fireworks. We ended up on the river with a view of fireworks all around us. When we got home Draven and his friend Isaiah shot off more fireworks.
Saturday we got up and decided to find something different to do. We headed to a small town about an hour away. They were having a blackberry festival. The festival wasn't great, but the drive was. We also did some antique shopping while we hit the small towns on the way. Later that night we finally got to reconnect with some of our long lost friends. Many of them we haven't seen since Lillie was born. Good times. We will all have to get together for a dinner party soon.
Sunday we had Chris family over for ribeyes. The food was fantastic. Sounds like the whole weekend revolved around food. I guess it did.
Sophie and Brooke won the three legged race!
Lillie took her nap in the shade in the park.
More swinging...
Lillie got to see her great grandparents!
Kate, cute as always!!! How sweet is that face?
Draven and Lillie...
Draven drove, Lillie rode shot gun. Ha, ha!!!
Mcloud's blackberry festival.
Church picnic.
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