Now that Lillie is 5 months old it is like she is changing everyday. She has learned many new "tricks." Here are some of her new things the can do.
She bares weight on her legs while holding to our fingers.
She can roll over on her stomach.
She can raise her chest when on stomach.
She puts everything in her mouth.
She loves toys!
She will let us feed her cereal with a spoon.
She ate a cracker for the first time.
She is making new sounds all the time.
She found her feet.
She went swimming in a big pool.
She loves to hear her daddy laugh and talk.
She went to her first movie... Young at Heart.
She ate her first cracker.
That's all I can think of for now. I wish I would of started posting these things month by month when she was born. The first few months were a little slow....
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