Lillie had her 9 month check up today. Here's the info.
She is exactly 17 pounds and 26 1/2 inches.
She is in the 25-50 percentile. Woo-hoo!
We spoke to the doctor about our two concerns: eating and sleeping.
First eating, she suggested that Lillie is bored and done with baby food. She recommended switching her over to table foods. We are to cut her food into small pieces she can feed herself or mash the food. Basically, Lillie is becoming more independent and wants to feed herself. Second sleeping, if you didn't know... our precious little angel doesn't sleep more than 2 hours at a time at night. Chris and I have just gotten used to it. The doctor told us to go in when she wakes up and tell her to go back to sleep even if she is standing up and screaming her crib. Do this every 10 minutes. Sounds like we will never sleep again. We are to only pick her up if she needs a diaper change. This is going to be rough.
As far as her developmental stuff she is right on schedule according to her pediatrician. We have Sooner Start coming out tomorrow so Lillie gets to show off her "tricks." Here are a few new things for Lillie at 9 months.
She has two bottom teeth.
She crawls and explores the house.
She can get into sitting and standing position on her own.
She can walk around furniture.
She pushes a walking toy and takes steps behind it.
She makes a bunch of noises, but is not talking.
She growls and makes baby monster noises all the time.
She fake coughs.
She remembers people.
She loves to swing at the park.
We took these pictures right before Lillie got her shots. Chris got her a santa outfit and wanted her to wear the hat at the doctor's office. Pretty cute!
Yesterday we took Lillie to her NICU reunion Thanksgiving dinner. It was so much fun. Great food and great people. Tomorrow we have another March of Dimes event. They are doing a slide show with cake and punch honoring the babies. There is also some kind of press conference at OU medical tomorrow, we might attend. We just have to be back in time for sooner start. I am going to have to come up with some Mommy stuff to do with out baby. She has a busier social calender than I do. I guess that will all change when I start school. Hopefully, I can enroll next week. Not going to happen this week. I have to do it without Lillie. I will need Chris off work so he can watch her while I meet with a counselor. I am loving the stay at home mom life. It is a lot of work, but it is all for me and my family. I am working to keep my family happy and healthy. Not working for someone else. yay!
1 comment:
i love the pic of you guys but the santa hat before t-giving ummm no.
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