Today Auntie Lo and Uncle Al brought home their new baby girl. I wanted to share the news earlier but decided to wait till she was home. Lillie and I got the call about 2pm today that we could come home over and meet her. Lillie was excited to meet her bbff (baby best friend forever.) I was so excited to hold a new soft and snuggley baby. She is just so precious! She seemed to be taking in all of her new surroundings. She didn't fuss a bit, but wouldn't sleep. She couldn't keep her eyes off her Mommy and Daddy. I feel so lucky that I got to meet her and luck forward to many walks in the park with her and her mommy.
Hazel and her Daddy.

Cute little Hazel. She is just so sweet!

I wasn't sure if I wanted to cry or laugh. I was so excited and happy. There is nothing better than holding a new baby. Of course, except for holding my old baby.

Lillie checking out Hazel. I think she was glad that she was smaller than her. She is a tiny new baby. Lillie looks big for the first time in her life.

Mommy and baby. She loves looking at her Mommy.

Us girls.
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