It was different with Draven. Draven and I grew up together. We were kids together. At that time it seemed like we would both be young forever. Now he is a teenager and I am a thirty something mother of two. I find my thirties to be the best time of my life and I think that Draven is enjoying the beginning of his teen years. Now Lillie on the other hand... it seems like yesterday when we were checking to see if she really was small enough to fit in a shoebox. She was.
We had Sooner Start come out today. She confirmed what we already knew. Our child is a genius. She even used that word "genius." Ok, so maybe she was humoring us a bit. But, she did say that Lillie was tracking at a 12 month level. Wow! According to Sooner Start she should be measuring around 9 months when you factor in her tough beginnings. She just looked so grown up today. Lillie is up to 18 1/2 pounds! Not only does she look like a one year old (a small one year old) she is almost the size of one. Today she wore "real" jeans, a hoodie, and shoes. Kid clothes, not baby clothes. We went shopping together and she actually wanted toys. Luckily she wanted the toys that I bought her for Christmas. She took steps towards Kim during Sooner Start. Kim (with Sooner Start) thinks she will be walking within a month easily. Lillie gets excited about things and knows what she likes. She finally has a personality and it is pretty darn cute. She loves her kitty kitties, snow globes, and her big brother is the funniest person she knows. Tonight I was rocking her after her bath and I didn't want to put her to bed. I feel like I need to hold on to her as long as I can. I guess we all grow up. It just happens way to fast.
Hi, Sarah: I just love coming to your blog. It makes me smile, and today, a little teary eyed. Keep up the good work. Loretta, Marla's Mom
Thanks for taking the time to post a comment! Merry Christmas!!!!
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