Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Chris and Luc's Birthday...

Chris turned 45 on the 26th and his nephew Luc turned 6. We planned on going out of town, but he had a brief due that following Monday. Gwen (Chris' mom) was nice enough to throw him a party. We had fried chicken, cake, and all the fixens. It was a wonderful time. He seemed to love all of his presents. I got him his fancy french knife, Mont Blonc cuff links and a MB coin purse. Draven got him a beer boot and Lillie got him fancy soap. Gwen got him the coolest lamp. She gets us the best stuff for our house. The evening was short but enjoyed. I hope he doesn't feel like he missed out on a big celebration. The timing wasn't right. Stupid brief.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Yesterday, Chris ended up with the day off! We decided to the downton Y, but on our way we decided to try the Southside Y instead. Good Move! That place is awesome! They have the best child watch area, swimming pool with slides and water games, even a teen section! I can't wait for Draven to go check it out. They even let the teens work out on the machines after a training session. I can see us going there as a family quite a bit and since we are already members it doesn't cost us anything extra. It will be a great place to go to as a family on the weekends or just in the evening. Something for everyone, cheap entertainment and we are working out. Chris and I got setup with a trainer for Monday, then got on the treadmill, and finished up with some basketball. I won both one on one and P.I.G. Damn, I am good.
Not my pic, found it on Google images.

After all that working out we decided to check out the World's Famous Trucker Burger at Big Johnson's. It is right off the highway by the Y. We figured what the heck! It was so good and a cute little dive. Chris said it was featured on Diners, Drive Thrus, and Dives. I didn't bring my camera so not pictures of our fun field trip. Still blogworthy.
P.S. Don't forget today is Chris' birthday! We are having dinner at Nanny's (Chris' mom) house. I will bring my camera tonight.
Not my pic, found it on Google images.

After all that working out we decided to check out the World's Famous Trucker Burger at Big Johnson's. It is right off the highway by the Y. We figured what the heck! It was so good and a cute little dive. Chris said it was featured on Diners, Drive Thrus, and Dives. I didn't bring my camera so not pictures of our fun field trip. Still blogworthy.
P.S. Don't forget today is Chris' birthday! We are having dinner at Nanny's (Chris' mom) house. I will bring my camera tonight.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
It's a long ways down...

Don't freak! She had a spotter. I was following right behind her with the camera. Still it makes me so nervous! If I thought she knew how to get down safely it wouldn't be so bad. I have been trying to show her how to scoot down on her belly. It is so hard to decide if it is better to tell her it is a "NO-NO" or teach her how to use the stairs safely or just block the whole thing off. I am voting for blocking off the stairs. I guess we are going to have to come up with a better gate for our stairs. Lillie is determined to go upstairs on her own whenever she wants. I thought I would at least hear her if she knocked down the gate, but no. She can just push it out of her way. I need a gate with a latch system, something that is bolted into the walls. She is so quick! You leave the room or get distracted and she goes straight for the stairs.
Monday, March 23, 2009
March of Dimes...
Last night I received an email about a March of Dimes press conference. Lillie and I love to do anything with our NICU graduate group or MOD. It wasn't too exciting, but it was at the Skirvin and there were cookies.
Lillie saw all the other NICU kids and was a show off as usual. I got a chance to talk about the March for Babies walk in May. We are trying to come up with some fundraising ideas. Any suggestions? So far, I have had a lot of positive response to one idea. How about a dollar amount for every pound Chris or/and I loose before May 2nd? I would like to loose about 10 pounds before then and I am sure Chris would have a similar goal. I am open to other ideas, but the point is to raise money for March of Dimes.

Lillie saw all the other NICU kids and was a show off as usual. I got a chance to talk about the March for Babies walk in May. We are trying to come up with some fundraising ideas. Any suggestions? So far, I have had a lot of positive response to one idea. How about a dollar amount for every pound Chris or/and I loose before May 2nd? I would like to loose about 10 pounds before then and I am sure Chris would have a similar goal. I am open to other ideas, but the point is to raise money for March of Dimes.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A very boring update.
Draven bitter about working and reading on spring break.

Lillie and her nebulizer.

Lillie is sick again. It is beautiful outside and we are stuck inside at home. She started feeling bad Thursday night. I thought it was just a cold. By Sunday, she was having trouble breathing. I took her to the doctor on Monday. Bronchitis again. Doc says that because she was little and early she will have this problem till she is 2 or 3 years old. Then she will grow out of it or it will turn in to asthma. Lets hope it goes away! Today we ran errands with Lillie. She stayed in the car for the most part except at the grocery store. I just had to get out of the house! Draven is grounded and has cabin fever too. I think that Lillie should be feeling much better tomorrow so I am going to take her shopping with me for Chris birthday. Draven is getting a bunch of work done so I might let him out of the house for a bit. We will see.
On a more cheerful note... Lillie signed a new word today. She has milk down, but today she added drink. It is much better than her pointing and saying "that." Everything is "that" to Lillie. I have to say it is pretty cute. She is so funny. Even though she has been sick she has been in a pretty good mood. She wants to keep on playing. Hopefully soon our house will be back to normal. Wait... I think this is normal, Draven grounded and Lillie sick.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Lillie and Hazel 30 years from now...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Yes, once again...
My computer crashed. This time it was fatal. Then we decided to bring out the old desktop. The keyboard didn't work and the computer is 8 years old. Today, I finally got Chris' old laptop running. It is about 5 years old. In computer years that would make both "Senior Citizens." The laptop runs fine, just needs some updating. We still need one new computer. I think this will work fine for Chris' work stuff, we just need a new family computer. Preferably a Mac. We will see.... Now on with the blogging. Of course I have to put a months worth of pictures and news in to one crazy long blog. As always I will do my best to fill it with photos and brief descriptions. Here goes nothing....

Smelling the flowers.

Tasting the flowers.

Pictures from Brooke's school carnival.
Cake walk... We didn't win, but Papa won cookies and shared.
Draven and Luc couldn't spend all of their tickets fast enough. They did get their hair sprayed three times each.
Lillie's first time to the beach. It was too cold for the water but the weather was nice. Thanks to Aunt Sis we stayed in the beach house. It was very relaxing. Lillie even took a few steps on the trip.
She did not like the cold water.
Hurricane damage. That truck should not be there.
Back to the zoo, but this time with Kate!
Trip to the Crystal Bridge with Hazel and Auntie Lo.

Smelling the flowers.

Tasting the flowers.

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