Don't freak! She had a spotter. I was following right behind her with the camera. Still it makes me so nervous! If I thought she knew how to get down safely it wouldn't be so bad. I have been trying to show her how to scoot down on her belly. It is so hard to decide if it is better to tell her it is a "NO-NO" or teach her how to use the stairs safely or just block the whole thing off. I am voting for blocking off the stairs. I guess we are going to have to come up with a better gate for our stairs. Lillie is determined to go upstairs on her own whenever she wants. I thought I would at least hear her if she knocked down the gate, but no. She can just push it out of her way. I need a gate with a latch system, something that is bolted into the walls. She is so quick! You leave the room or get distracted and she goes straight for the stairs.
I fixed the gate. She can no longer push it down. Thought I would post that before anyone else post comments.
Audrey fell down our stairs in Texas more times than I can count. Pretty scary, but I guess she turned out o.k.
I am very happy you took the time and wrote this!
-Kind Regards,
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