Lillie and her nebulizer.

Lillie is sick again. It is beautiful outside and we are stuck inside at home. She started feeling bad Thursday night. I thought it was just a cold. By Sunday, she was having trouble breathing. I took her to the doctor on Monday. Bronchitis again. Doc says that because she was little and early she will have this problem till she is 2 or 3 years old. Then she will grow out of it or it will turn in to asthma. Lets hope it goes away! Today we ran errands with Lillie. She stayed in the car for the most part except at the grocery store. I just had to get out of the house! Draven is grounded and has cabin fever too. I think that Lillie should be feeling much better tomorrow so I am going to take her shopping with me for Chris birthday. Draven is getting a bunch of work done so I might let him out of the house for a bit. We will see.
On a more cheerful note... Lillie signed a new word today. She has milk down, but today she added drink. It is much better than her pointing and saying "that." Everything is "that" to Lillie. I have to say it is pretty cute. She is so funny. Even though she has been sick she has been in a pretty good mood. She wants to keep on playing. Hopefully soon our house will be back to normal. Wait... I think this is normal, Draven grounded and Lillie sick.
I didn't know you were signing with Lillie! We have been doing it with Spencer, I have several good books if you're interested.
So far Spencer can sign milk, eat, more, and all done. She can also kind of sign cat, but that is a harder one to do. We are going to introduce a few new words to her soon. It freaking AMAZES me that babies can sign, and it amazes me even more that my own baby can do it!
ahhhhh what a crappy week. Week after next things will be MUCH better!
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