Wednesday, May 6, 2009

March for Babies...

These are the signs that my adorable nieces made for the walk. How cute Kate? I love this picture! Brooke made this one all by herself. I am so proud that she is my niece!
Ok, now this one cracks me up. Check out the small "s" after "dime." They even covered the sign with dimes. So clever!
Here are a few shots of what would of been the March for Babies.

Lillie had to carb up for her big walk.

I need to get a better shot of our shirts. They turned out so well. I want to wear mine all the time.
Lillie and her blankie.
This was before I got a chance to put on my shirt. I really think we would of won the tshirt contest if we had our whole team there.
As much of you know (or guessed) the walk did not happen. I woke up at 7 am ready to go. I heard the thunder and knew it wasn't going to happen. But, I wasn't giving up. I got everyone dressed and out the door. We showed up at the myriad gardens and saw people leaving and empty tents. The rain was pouring. I wore a poncho and covered Lillie's stroller with a poncho. We were directed downstairs for a small indoor gathering. No walking, but lots of people having a good time. After an hour or two it was over. I was really disappointed, but things happen. The walk has been rescheduled for June 6th. I don't know if we will be able to attend. We have a close friend's birthday and a wedding. The important thing is that we ended up raising over $1,000. That is twice my orginal goal! Once again thanks to all that helped!

1 comment:

Jennifer Lacy said...

your nieces must have a pretty good mom.