These are pictures from our dinner at the Meltons.

Look out Lillie, A CAR! This is the annual beer and brat's party.

Look out Lillie, A CAR! This is the annual beer and brat's party.

Lillie and Bubba got to ride in the fire truck at the Village Fair.
Since it was Mother's Day, everyone humored me and we wore our matching March For Babies Tshirts.
Aunt Marla sent me these beautiful earrings for Mother's Day. I wore them all weekend.

What a great weekend. Here's the recap. Friday Chris got off work early so we could go to the Southside YMCA for family fun day. We try to do something fun for the whole family on Fridays. The Southside Y has a indoor water park. Chris and I did our workout (my second workout in one day) then went swimming. It is a great place for babies. Lillie can walk in the water and play with all the water toys. They even have a family locker room. We have our own private room with a bathroom and shower. That makes things so much easier. After that, Chris and I had a dinner for exchange club. Draven babysat for a couple of hours and Chris and I enjoyed a wonderful meal (that wasn't on our diet.) When we got home we watched the Punisher. Not a bad movie. Definitely a boy movie, not a mom movie. We went to bed around midnight.
We spent most of the day Saturday running around. We started off with the Cassidy School Estate Sale fundraiser. Then we ran into the Village Fair. It was basically booths, music, food, and a petting zoo. The weather was beautiful so it was great just wandering around outside. After that we headed to an annual cookout. We had homemade beer and brats (once again, not on the diet.) The party was filled with kids. Draven and Lillie had a blast. The house is on a dead end street so the kids were riding bikes and playing in the road. Nice. We had to leave early from that party to head to another. We had a friend's daughter celebrating her first communion. We had more wonderful food. This time I stuck to a light salad. There were more kids playing. The big kids played soccer and Lillie played on the swing set and playhouse. We are taking home the playhouse. Our friends little girls have outgrown it. We are also getting their kitchen set. Both are adorable and much appreciated. We topped the night off with cake and champagne (there goes the diet again.) Once we were home we all crawled into bed and watch Justin Timberlake on SNL.
Now on to Sunday. Lillie slept in til 10am. So, I slept til 10am. I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. Chris made me breakfast in bed. He picked some sweet flowers and Draven and Lillie made me a card. Pretty sweet stuff. I decided to have my breakfast downstairs with the rest of the family. We all sat at the table in the living room and had breakfast together. While Lillie took her nap, Chris and I headed to the gym. We had a lot of "bad food" on Saturday. It was time to burn some of those calories. We checked out our rank at the gym. Looks like Chris and I should both make the board for next month. We both are trying to get our names on the board for top 10 male/female calories burned and for top 10 male/female days at the gym. Something about competing with others and seeing your name posted for everyone to see makes me want to work out even more. After the gym we went to run some errands and finished up with a trip to the library. I picked up a few nutrition books. Now Chris is making dinner. We are having turkey sausage, spaghetti, and zucchini and yellow squash. Yum!
I wasn't sure what I wanted for Mother's Day. Now looking back at my weekend, I think I got the perfect gift. I spent time with my family and they kept the house clean!
Happy Mother's Day
Very impressed with your workout and diet skills! Also, I'm very jealous of your green grass, and why wasn't I invited to the Beer and Brats party?
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