I skipped my 20 week appointment. Just too much going on! And... these appointments are getting expensive without maternity coverage. We were supposed to get coverage a month or so ago and they just told us no. I made a phone call and they informed me that even though Chris' employer allows him to be on their policy BCBS doesn't allow a 1099 employee on group policies. Now we start over again. I have another appointment on the 1st and one on the 8th. My specialist appointments run about $600+ a visit. Yikes!
So on to baby stuff...
Lil' Dude (or BeBe) is really growing! I too have grown. Unlike with Lillie, there is no denying the fact I am pregnant. I heard someone at church say today...
"I didn't know Sarah was pregnant."
I guess it is noticeable and of course I love it! I would much rather hear people talking about me looking pregnant than hear...
"Sarah sure has been gaining a lot of weight!"
I am really starting to feel a LOT of movement. The other day I was in the tub and I saw her head (or butt) stick out. It was the first time I could actually SEE the movement. I never had that with Lillie. I've tried to get Chris to feel her move be he gets impatient. Soon she will start kicking him in bed while we spoon. Rowdy Lil' Dude.
As far as names go, I haven't made an official decision and Chris hasn't really thought of anything. I do have a name in mind, but I am going to keep names to myself until she is born. Everyone has an opinion and I don't care. As long as we like it, that's all that matters.
I have been eating more and getting a few cravings. I am trying to stick to a rule Chris taught me...
If you aren't hungry enough to eat an apple, your not hungry.
I am trying to stock up on apples.
We have stopped exercising again. I plan on starting back up this week if I can get my exercise buddy (Chris) going with me.
I have tried shopping. Just can't rationalize shopping for Lil' Dude when we have so many hand me downs.
I am really starting to feel pregnant. Here are just a few of the symptoms I am having...
Major lower back pain (especially if I wear or wore heels).
Reflux/heartburn/indigestion. I am trying to eat slower and not lay down until an hour after eating.
Clumsiness. I drop things. I knock things over. I trip. Supposedly that has to do with hormones and my body changing as it gets ready
Nesting. Yes, it's a bit soon. I think it might be more of a Christmas thing than a pregnancy thing.
I think that is about it for now. At least that is all I can think of (I guess I have baby brain too that I can add to my list of symptoms!)
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