So here's what you missed. The good and the bad.

So on with the bad news....
One of our tenants was a hoarder/slob.

And he was a smoker that obviously doesn't know how to put out a cigarette. The adjuster, fire inspector, and contractor came out on Monday to access things. Our insurance adjuster said we have over $100,000 in damages. Yikes! Then he informed us that our insurance was cancelled. What? I must of misunderstood you. We have automatic withdraw for all 8 policies out of our checking account. Not possible. Well, come to find out. It was possible. 7 polices were set up. Number 8 (which happens to be the one in the photos) was not set up. They sent us a notice, but we just assumed it was one of the many statements they send to us each month saying "bill paid, keep for your records". Our cancellation notice was filed away with all the other paid policies. We explained the situation to Farmer's Insurance and they said they would review the situation. So for three days Chris and I freaked out. Ok, that's an understatement. On Wednesday I got a call from the mediator with Farmer's and he told me the boards decision. We have been reinstated. We are 100% covered for the loss. I think Chris is still in shock but I am feeling much better...

Now on to Halloween....

Here's Lillie and her BFF before they went trick or treating.
Jorge's mask!
Draven, Jorge, and Lillie...
Lillie got up the courage to go trick or treat without Mommy or Daddy holding her hand. What a brave lil' girl. Mesta Park is pretty scary at Halloween!
Look! She got candy!
Look who we ran into, It's Tinkerbell Kate!
On Monday we took Jorge to the Day of the Dead celebration at OCU. Draven's dad and godfather both had alters on display. This is a picture of Jose's alter (D's Dad).
Draven, Jose and Jorge...
Jorge, Draven and Bubba Mike (D's godfather).
And more good stuff....

Lil' Dude is really growing. I can tell she is going to be a big baby. And remember... I was right about Lillie being a Lil' Baby! This girl is already kicking so strong I can feel it outside my belly, not just inside anymore. I am only 19 weeks pregnant and she is starting to feel strong! Chris never felt a kick with Lillie and I only felt the occasional flutter. Look out for BeBe Henry. She is going to be a handful!
I don't know if you remember me/us. We were the family from Chicago hoping to move into the lower half of the duplex. My girls and I were at Edgemere Park a few days ago. I was feeling a little sorry for myself that we didn't live right down the street, so I decided to drive by the duplex with a full imagination. That's when I saw the dumpster in the driveway and the smoke damage on the upper balcony. My self-pity instantly turned into gratitude. You just never know, right? Obviously I'm most thankful that we weren't living in a place that caught fire. But I'm also super stoked I'm not living beneath smoking slob-o. Gross. I'm glad everything worked out with your insurance. This goes without saying, but THANK YOU a million times over for giving the place to someone else. And congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope you go full term this time! (Okay this is about to get really long.) I read a lot of your blog when we were "still in the running" for the duplex, but I never commented because I didn't want you to think we were sucking up. ;) Our first daughter was a preemie (35 weeks), but we knew she was coming early (I went into labor at 32 weeks), so medically we were totally prepared and she didn't have any complications. My body tried to do the same thing with my last pregnancy (eject my baby early), but somehow I held out to the very day I turned 37 weeks. I was also able to have a VBAC. I hope you aren't as nervous as I was about complications. I'll be thinking about you and hoping for a plump full term baby! (Even though the skinny preemie kind are just as perfect.)
Hi BrieAnn! Yes, the duplex fire was a nightmare! I felt bad for the girl that had moved in downstairs (that would of been your unit) it was completely smoke damaged and water damaged. She had to move out because the structure isn't safe while we rebuild. Where did you guys find a place? I assume you are living in OKC now? I will check in on your blog and find out. Hope you and your family are doing fine. Maybe one day we will cross paths...
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