My bones and joints ache.
I can't get comfortable sleeping.
I have another human being using my organs as a punching bag.
I have to pee every 30 minutes.
My skin itches.
Rib pain when I sleep. No more underwire bras.
I'm moody.
My boobs are huge (and not in a good way.)
I get headaches.
I have a cold but can't take Nyquil!
My gums bleed.
I don't have maternity coverage.
With all that off my chest, yes "I do love being pregnant."
I am very happy to have a healthy baby growing inside.
My blood pressure is absolutely perfect!
I haven't gained too much weight (yet).
No stretch marks.
It's a girl!
I'm excited for Lillie to be a big sister!
I have a very supportive family.
I have the best husband!
So on to details of my last appointment.
I went to go see dr. M (the specialist) on Wednesday.
Still a girl.
BP 115/60
Didn't take weight.
She weighs 1 pound 6 ounces. Wow!
My sis and niece say she looks just like Lillie.
I think she looks like a healthy baby!
A few 23 week belly shots...

On to random blogging...
OMG that is the cutest pic of her in the toilet. I have a pic of Macey when she was about 18 months old getting bath in kitchen sink on one side dirty dishes in the other side...looks like you have a great family!!!
Thanks Brandi!
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