Lillie did not want to see Santa. She told me she had to go to the potty so she could leave. When we got to the bathroom she told me that she was tired and really needed to go home and go to sleep. Nice try. When she went back in to the room and ran right to Santa. I think she felt OBLIGATED. She talked to him but didn't really smile. She did add Dora watch to her wish list.

She was nervously picking her nose and lifting her shirt.

When it was time to take the group photo everyone stood around Santa but Lillie. She ran up to Santa and jumped on his lap. Once again, I don't think she did it because she wanted to, she did it because she thought she was SUPPOSED TO DO IT. Her friend Ryan soon followed. He, however, WANTED to sit on Santa's lap.

She went to daddy so she could feel safe.

He always cracks her up.

The kids entertained themselves by playing on the stairs.

Lillie posing.

More stairs...

If you noticed in the other pictures she is wearing a skirt under her skirt. It is supposed to be a dress up skirt but she wore it under her other skirt.
Then she added a third skirt.

And a fourth...

And a fifth...

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