A whole lotta nothing.
The symptoms are all about the same.
My back and hips ache.
Heartburn (but it's getting better).
Out of breath. I started taking my iron last week but haven't seen much improvement.
Called Dr. H last week about having painful cramps when exercising. I was told to stop. I'm actually disappointed. I was hoping she would just let me slow it down. I really like going to the gym and showing off my big baby belly. I don't see why I can at least workout my arms.
I've had a little swelling off and on but nothing major.
Lil' Dude can really get my belly moving. She wakes me up in the middle of the night.
I have a cold. Again.
To me this feels like a "normal" pregnancy.
I have a doc appointment with Dr. M on Wednesday. I can't wait to hear how big she is! I'm voting for 3 pounds! My mom is going with me and hopefully Chris can go too. Should be a good one!
I finally went over to Auntie Lo's house this week to go through all the baby clothes. I can't believe that Lil' Dude will be the 4th girl to wear these clothes. I can't believe they've lasted that long. I definitely need to get her some new stuff too. Since this is my 3rd child I feel like I don't need to do much. You always just kinda figure it out when they get here. You just can't be prepared. With Draven I bought all girl stuff. I thought I was prepared until I found out the ultrasound was wrong. I didn't know I was having a boy until he was born. With Lillie I had all newborn baby stuff for the winter and she couldn't fit in to any of it until summer. And of course she was a month early so we didn't even have all of her furniture bought yet. So with this baby I figure it is just best to wait and figure it out when she gets here. All I need before she is born is a car seat and a bassinet.

1 comment:
I think that you'd be fine using little two pounders for your arms. I have some if you want them...
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