What? 31 weeks! Can that be possible? It is like I went in a time machine at 6 weeks and came out at 31 weeks. I have this feeling of urgency to get stuff done. I'm glad that Lillie's birthday is over so now I can go through her toys and get the house organized for Lil' Dudes arrival. If I deliver at my current scheduled time (March 11th) that would mean she would be here in 6 weeks. Even Chris is starting to get excited for her arrival.
So, what's new at 31 weeks.
I think my iron pills are helping with my exhaustion. I don't get so tired, but I have also learned to take breaks before I am overly exhausted.
My last appointment was last week and I didn't ask for weight gain. I don't remember where I was at the last appointment and I saw the scale this time but I didn't do the math. Also, I think the nurse didn't see the scale go up two pounds while I was still on it. I think she wrote down my weight before it was done.
My blood pressure has been a little higher than my normal but it is still normal. Not sure if this is a sign that it is going to continue to go up before birth.
My heartburn is better.
I have to pee more than ever.
My back and ribs have been hurting more than ever. I have a hard time getting comfortable.
I have learned that sleeping with a pillow between my legs does make a difference.
My right hip hurts so bad! I have a hard time getting up from bed.
Lil' Dude is really busy. She sleeps and plays and I feel like I'm getting to know her. We even play games. I can push her and make her move or tap on my tummy and get her active. She can really make my belly change shapes now.
I think that is it for now. Now appointments this week. I have one next Monday with Dr. H and then one early February with Dr. M for another ultrasound. I say at my 33 week appointment Lil' Dude will be almost 5 pounds.
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