I'm am almost too tired to post. I've already had one nap and feel like I need another. I'm having a hard time breathing and just want to lay down.
So if this post sucks you know why...
I had my 32 week appointment on Monday. Here's the newest.
Blood Pressure was fine 103/70.
Heart rate was in the 140's.
I have gained apx 25 lbs.
I talked to her about new symptoms. She said I may need to see a cardiologist. I'm not too concerned.
Talked about 37 week delivery. She said we are going to keep March 11th as the date for now. We can always make it later if needed.
Lots of big ol' belly kicks.
Sleepless nights.
I did register at Target last night! That was fun! I might even have a baby shower. Chris hates asking people for stuff, but I think it might be fun. I didn't get to have one with Lillie.
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