Sunday, February 13, 2011

34 weeks...

Everything is going smoothly. I'm actually starting to be sad that this might be the last time I am ever pregnant. This has been such a perfect pregnancy. Of course, when I say perfect I mean "normal". I still have all the aches, pains, fatigues, anxiety and all the other crap that goes with being pregnant but I'm going to miss it when it's over.
But... I get to have a beer! Oh, how I love beer.
And just in time for St. Patrick's Day. And I get to sleep normally again. Ya, I know, the baby will wake me up all night. I'm used to that. Lillie still has trouble sleeping and so does Chris. I just want to be comfortable and not have to use the bathroom all night.
I'm also not ready. I feel like I need to go out and get everything I need now because she is going to be born any day. Well, actually she will be born March 11th. I say that you don't have to be ready for a baby. You just need a carseat and a place for him/her to sleep and your good. Everything else the baby needs is so basic. You can run out and get diapers as needed. Breast milk is with you at all times. Maybe a few cute outfits and you can call it good. Of course I have way more than I need when it comes to clothes, thanks to all the older babies out there.
I'm getting off the point. I was going to blog about my doctors appointment.
On Saturday I had my last doc appointment with Dr. M. He is my perinatologist. I love those appointments because I get to have an ultrasound each visit. Not just a plan ol' ultrasound either. I get a long 3d ultrasound. This time we couldn't see her face so Dr. M pushed her hands away from her face and we got some great shots. He's been great.
My blood pressure was 100/70.
Baby weighed 5lbs 4oz.
Should gain about 1/2 a pound a week until she's born.
I measured at 34 weeks 2 days.
He said that the March 11th c-section date sounded good to him.
Baby girl is very healthy.
No worries.
Tomorrow I have an appointment with Dr. H. I see her (my OB) every two weeks now and the next visit we go to weekly. Seriously doubt anything exciting will happen there but if it does I will keep you posted!

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