Blood pressure was fine. Doesn't really matter.
Talked about game day.
It is on for Friday at 1pm.
Getting nervous.
Can't sleep.
Baby kicks and hiccups all night.
Can't eat.
Reflux all night.
Sad that this will probably be the last time I am ever pregnant.
I took my last belly pictures.
Maybe ever.
Since I know the day and time of her big arrival I am a bit too organized.
I have a list of things to do, pack, and buy. I just about have all the things done. We knocked a few things off the list today. Lillie and I got our nails done, I got my eyebrows waxed, and Tucker got groomed. Chris sister and Mom went and bought our sit and stand stroller and car seat. Lillie has her clothes laid out for Friday and bags packed for Nanny's house. The cleaning lady is coming Thursday to dust and do the floors.
Whew! I'm tired just thinking about what I still have to do and what I have already done.
My last belly pictures at 37 weeks.
That belly button is ready to go back to being an innie.

Lillie has been loving on Lil' Dude a lot! Lots of kisses and hugs to my belly. She has also been reading "Big Sister" every night before bed. She's ready!
We went and got our nails done.
She met a friend that had her nails painted pink and green so Lillie got the same.
And Tucker had to get ready too! He is staying at Aunt Gum's house. He wanted to have a short "do" for Lil' Dude's arrival.

That's it. We are ready. Of course... You can never be ready. But we are as ready as we can get.

The next post just might contain pictures of a new baby!
Oh, and we picked out a name.....
We will post it with her photos!
Tuckers hair cut looks great, you are magnificent and the Lil is gonna do great. Praying for a calm delivery and peace for Mommy and baby:)
<3 Suz
YAY! Friday!! I'll be thinking about you guys. Can't wait to see Lil' Dude. And you have the cutest pregnant belly ever. I have loved watching you "grow" (ya know, not in a weird way or anything).
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