So far all she does is sleep, eat, poop.
She sleeps 23 out of 24 hours in a day. I try to wake her up and she goes back to sleep. At night she wakes up every 1 or 2 hours to eat small meals. I am trying to get her to eat more in one setting then to just "snack".
She had her first bath. She didn't like it so much.

I think she is getting bigger. She has an appointment on Friday so we will see. She had her first check up last Friday and she weighed 6 pounds 9 ounces. That is lower than her birth weight (6 pounds 15 ounces) but higher than her weight the last day at the hospital (6 pounds 5 ounces). Weight is something I obsess over with my kids after having scrawny Lillie.
Even though we have only been home for a week, Phoebe has been out and about.
Her first outing was last wednesday. We took her to Church for dinner and so Lillie could see her friends. Thursday we took the girls to the park. Our new double stroller is awesome!
This picture isn't from the park but Phoebe's first trip to Bricktown.
She went bowling for Jorge's birthday.

We are trying to get used to having a newborn. Of course I had Draven as a newborn but that was FOREVER ago. And then when we had Lillie she was in the hospital the first month. We would see her during the day and then go home and sleep 8 hours straight. So having a real newborn home for us is a change. Something we are still trying to figure out even though we have 3 kids. I have just figured out that I don't have to hold her all the time. She actually is perfectly content in her swing.

I never thought that I could be so in love with someone that pees, poops, throws up, and screams at me all night...
But I do!
I love this Lil' Dude.
Yes, we still call her Lil' Dude.
That's all for now. Good night for the Henry's! Or should I say "Night". I don't know how good it will be. But we are just glad to have her home.
so very glad she is home! you will settle into a routine with her I promise. Conor was a snacker but after awhile he finally got to where he would eat so much if you poked his foot hed burp. Cant wait to meet your beautiful girl...
I love the picture of her "bowling." It's funny how little babies actually do, but they are just amazing and take our breath away anyways.
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