Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Prego news.

I think I am finally starting to feel better! I made my famous dinner last night, fish sticks, peas and mac and cheese. I ate it all and didn't feel like throwing up. I still am on my fruit kick, had a smoothie for lunch and lots of fruit throughout the day. Everyday I seem to feel better and better. I can't believe I am almost through with my first trimester. It ends as of August 4th! I went to yoga last night and actually felt like my belly was getting in the way of some of the poses. I start a pregnancy yoga class in two weeks. That is very exciting. By the time this baby is born I should be ready for anything. All is well for now, just anxiously awaiting my appointment on August 1st. I will get to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I can not wait!

1 comment:

Shell said...

Yay for feeling better!

Your meal sounds a lot like what we're having tonight: chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese, and carrots. It's just sad when forced to cook for ourselves, isn't it?