Tuesday, December 4, 2007

catch up...

I haven't blogged in a few days so I am going to try to sum up the past 4 days in one blog.
Ok, friday night...
Draven and I went out to Coits for a date night. Came home and watched a movie then fell asleep.
Saturday we saw some fabulous Christmas lights. They are set to music, so cool!!! We had Lo, Al and Rusty over to watch the big game. We cooked out brats and they were fantastic. Draven had cotillion that night so he missed the game and brats. There was a lot of screaming so it was probably a good thing he missed it. Sunday we went and got our tree. We got most of the decorating done and it looks great. Need to take some pics. Sunday night and most of the weekend my hip ached. It has gotten to the point it puts me in tears. Couldn't sleep worth a flip Sunday night, so I took Monday off to rest. Monday night Draven had his first guitar program. They sounded great. It was standing room only, so my hip took a beating. Thinking about going to a doctor to see what they can do. I need to do something, it is only getting worse. I have a doc appt tomorrow and I will ask her what she recommends. She thinks everything is just normal pregnancy pain. She is wrong about this one.
Friday night belly picture.

Al helping Draven get ready for Cotillion.

Our tree.

Lola helping unpack christmas decorations.

My sunday night belly picture.

I couldn't see him, so I had a hard time getting any pictures.

Draven was very pleased to see Jose, Greg, Mike and Sarah all show up.

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