Last night I went and had my pedicure after work. It was very relaxing and long over due. Once we were home I started to get cranky. I swear everything that Chris said to me, hurt my feelings. I was in the worst mood, but did my best to not let things get to me. Around 9pm Chris' buddy came over to borrow some things to help with the ice clean up around town. Chris and Patrick stayed up till around midnight and listened to Zeppelin. They didn't have the music up that loud, but all I could hear was base in my pillows while I tried to sleep. I feel asleep at a descent hour, then was woke up by the phone at midnight. I wanted to kill somebody. Of course, the cordless phone was left down stairs and I am in a panic that it is an emergency. I missed the call. Chris had fallen asleep on the couch and I made my way back to bed. Around 1 or 2 a.m. I woke up to Chris crawling into bed. Then around 4 a.m. the door bell started ringing. URGH!!! It was the man that painted our house 6 months ago. He had been in Arizona for the last few months and just got back in to town. He didn't have anywhere to stay, so he came to our house. A few short hours after getting him a place to sleep, my alarm went off. My milk soured in the short time the power was out yesterday, so my coffee sucked. I feel awake now, but have a feeling I will fade soon. I made a double batch of oatmeal that is keeping me going for the moment. I just pray for a normal night. Who am I kidding? That was a normal night.
On a brighter note...
Maybe we can get the painter to start on the baby's room in trade for sleeping on our couch? Not to mention we gave him a car to drive to Arizona. I think he owes us.
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