Thursday, December 20, 2007


Last night things seemed to be better than they were in the morning. Our house guest is still there. Chris pointed out that it is the holidays and this is the right thing to do. He is right. It isn't like this guy is a stranger. While he was painting we developed a friendship. He would hang out on our front porch and chat all night. He had family issues that he wanted to avoid, so he would just hang out with us. I think he was amazed at how open we were and friendly. We have known him for almost a year now. Since he left Oklahoma he always keeps in touch. Chris gave him a car that he regularly makes payments on and usually sends a baby gift with his check. Anyway... my point is, it isn't like I have a stranger in my house.
We came home last night and he had the baby's room painted! That was worth a couple of nights of being inconvenienced. He is getting a hotel room tonight, or maybe tomorrow.
Ok, enough of that!
Last night we dropped Draven off at church. He practiced his guitar and sang a bit. Chris and I did a little shopping, but didn't get much done. One hour isn't enough time! We came home and unloaded our gifts and spread them out in the living room. We planned on wrapping them, but mainly got things boxed and price tags removed. I swear we have more gifts than people.
Oh!!! I forgot about my doc appointment!!! Here's the update. I gained 2 pounds, not bad. The baby was head down and ready to go. I have a feeling that she will be early, like really early. My guess right now is that she will be born mid January. Just guess.

Here's Preston's pretty chandelier!!! A new outfit, my big belly and the newly painted baby room!!!
I think when I told Chris that I thought she was coming early, he started to want to get things done. He bought the baby some gifts last night. It made me cry.

1 comment:

Jennifer Lacy said...

wow that chandelier is just beautiful! love the room too! You are getting so close!