Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Baseball is a dangerous sport...

Not for the players, but the audience. Last game we went to we talked about all of the injuries that had happened that summer, including a few DEATHS! This game was no exception, no deaths but we did have an injury (not any of us.) We got our great seats thanks to Chris' friend Al. They are the first row in front of the dugout. Can't beat those seats, but you are right in the line of fire. Not the best place for a new baby. When we got to our seats we were warned of the risks we were taking by bringing our baby. We kept her behind the dugout wall when someone was pitching. When it time for the entertainment we brought her out to watch.
Now for the highlights. We went and saw our friend Tabitha sing the national anthem before the game. She did an awesome job! Way to go! It was nice seeing John and his family outside of work.
Once the game started we were very cautious of foul balls. We had Lillie in a safe spot but we were out in the open. We had a few close calls. Nothing compared to what happened to one spectator. Around the 3 inning one of the batters bat broke and went flying. Half of the shattered bat flew into the audience and hit a woman. I don't know the extent of her injury, but it can't be good. After that it was hard to enjoy the game. I never thought about getting hit by a bat. Now I am paranoid. I love the games and I love those great seats, but....
I will just have to get up and walk around a lot.

Tabitha getting ready to start...

Rowdy the Redhawk didn't take his hat off during the anthem. Shame on him.

Chris and Lillie before the game. We got there early so we wouldn't miss the National Anthem. Normally, we show up late and leave early.

The Melton family with Lillie. They will be adding another to their family in July.

Me and Lillie.

Draven at the game. He really wanted a foul ball but is too shy to get up there and ask for one.

Chris and Al Hoch, he is the one that shares those great seats.

1 comment:

Itskellerific said...

redhawks! so fun! if you want to go again, remember that jon gets FREE tickets. good seats, too!