There is a lot of truth to that statement. I just don't think I could ever move back to the country. After spending the day out in the woods I ended up covered in ticks. I am still freaking out.
Yesterday we went to my grandparents house so that they could meet Lillie Marie. We had a great visit, got a few photos, then headed out to hunt morels.
Ever since I was a little girl we would hunt morels. For those of you that don't know, morels are a hard to find mushroom that only grows about a week a year. You have to know when and where to look. I have the same spots that I have gone to year after year. There is one tree that has more and more every year. I think I found close to 30 in that one spot. It is like easter egg hunting for adults. Of course these mushrooms taste a lot better than a plastic egg. This year we found over 100. That was about 2 hours worth of work. Not bad for something that people are willing to pay as high as (or higher) $150 pound. I just saw a comany selling them dried for that price. Fresh is cheaper and in much demand. We don't sell them, we just eat them. Every year I think about selling them to local restaurants. Maybe next year.
Lillie with her Great grandparents...

Lillie likes morels, that or she is laughing at poppy in his tank top. We all went home 1/2 dressed due to the tick issue.

The loot.

jon wants to know if he can have one of your morels. i showed him your post and he was practically drooling all over my laptop. he's never had one and he really wants to try them.
I remember hunting for those, but I don't think I ever actually tried one... I was too scared.
of course, but he has to get them soon...
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