Yesterday Sooner Start came to the house. Not a whole lot of excitement. Lillie looked adorable, but no pictures. Once Sooner Start arrived, Lillie feel fast asleep. She slept through most of it. She was awake long enough to smile and do a little tummy time. Our homework for the month is too work on talking face to face so that she can learn sounds and watch the shapes our mouth makes. Most of the things they want us to do we are already doing. They say to narrate everything you do when you are around her, speak in simple sentences, use a higher pitched voice, and just simply interact with her. Easy enough.
After Sooner Start we went to the mall to do some shopping. Draven was a HUGE help! He watched Lillie every time I went in the dressing room. What a great kid. She even spit up all over him in the middle of the Gap and he didn't get embarrassed. He laughed it off.
Chris had a third cousin come in to town. They had never met so Chris wanted to go and meet him and show off Lillie. We went to his mother's house and had a quick chat then headed home for Lillie's evening routine. Chris wanted to do the bath and reading. I took a few pictures.
Now I am home and trying to get my computer time and breakfast in while Lillie naps. So far so good. She has been sleeping so much better thanks to Dr. Dooley's tips. She eats and we lay her down and she falls asleep all by herself. No fussing. Hope this continues when I go back to work.
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