Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Thank God it is over! Draven survived Middle School and is on his way to High School. It was tough, but he did it. We through him a party on Thursday. We gave him the option of eating out anywhere in town. He choose to have Chris cook him something at home. Draven thinks Chris' food is better than any restaurant. I agree. So his dinner of choice was brats, cabbage, and potatoes.
Draven got a Ukulele from his god family. He took it to the park on Friday and played. Weird thing is, he wasn't the only one to take their Ukulele to school on friday. Got to love Classen!

Friday was the actual bridging ceremony. It started out a little rough. Something happened earlier that day that Draven refused to talk about. He was very depressed. Luckily, by the end of the night he was doing cartwheels.
Yay for summer break!
This is where the after party was. Pretty cool! Lots of music and glow sticks.

Draven and his god father and his jose.

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