Anyway... I did have my camera for the rest of the day.
We started off with a trip to the zoo. We were all tired, but wanted the girls (Kate, Lillie, Brooke, Me, and Aunt Gum) to hang out. We spent most of our time at the children's zoo and eating our lunch. It turned out to be a perfect trip! I took way too many photos! So many photo ops when you have a 2 year old and a dozen goats.

After the zoo we went to our favorite spot... Fro Yo and Fruti's. Or as Lillie calls it "the ice cream place".

After that we took Lillie home for a nap so I could head out to VZD's for the blood drive. We knew a storm was heading our way, but we had no idea it would be so bad. I can honestly say I have never seen anything like it in my life. We saw the wind and rain pick up. We watched the weatherman on the tv... Then all Hail broke loose! It was tennis ball sized hail tearing up everything. We moved away from the windows at VZ's then had to move away from the sky light because it was cracking the glass and rain was coming through there. Luckily I wasn't out in the blood drive van when it hit. I think those people were freaked the hail out. It was loud, it was scary, it cracked Chris' windshield in 6 spots! And that is why I am kicking myself for not having my camera. Of course most of you in OKC lived through it and know how crazy it was. I did decide to go home and pick up the kids and drive around and take after pictures. Not the same. We drove around and lost count of car and home windows broken out. We couldn't even go to the grocery store because they closed it down because of the damage. The hail did enough damaged to their roof that it flooded the store. Crazy I tell you!
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