When I decided to start a team for Lillie this year for the March for Babies I was so excited to raise money for a cause that I am so passionate about. One of the first steps is to decide on an individual goal for yourself. I raised $1200 last year, so I thought I would go for $1500 this year. So far, I am at $1300 and the money has to be turned in tomorrow! Next on the list was to decide on a team goal. That part was hard. I didn't know who was walking with me and what their goals would be. Honestly, I was hoping for more family involvement in the fundraising process. I was hoping to get Aunts (Aunt Gum has been a fundraising machine), Uncles, Grandmothers, Cousins, Etc.. all to get as excited as we are. Ok, maybe not get excited, but to at least humor us and do a little fundraising and walk with us on May 8th and show their support. That didn't happen. Luckily, I did have a few good friends along with God Parents and Lillie's Aunt Gum and her family join in and help out the team. We may not be a large team, but we are a team with a lot of love for Lillie Marie! So with that being said, I set my team goal at $3000. I think we are going to fall short. Actually, we are going to be very short... about a $1000 short! Yikes! I have decided to not focus on that fact that we are short but the fact that my friends and sister got together to support March of Dimes and Lillie Marie. I know it has been hard asking people for money and it takes up time from our busy lives. The point is, you guys mean so much to me and I am so glad to have you on my team and in my life. And for the rest of you that donated, attended the chili cookoff, or helped with gift certificates I want to say thank you as well.
I may not of reached my goal, but I think we all did one heck of a job!
Thanks to all of you!
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